Get Him to the Greek was last movie I saw, twas good Easy A and you need to watch all the Harry Potters!
Death Note II: The Last Name Rent Ring Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows (Part 1) Ju-On The Fourth Kind Drag Me to Hell Toy Story 3 Date Night Saw VII Shutter The Social Network Zodiac
Oh, I forgot one! The Human Centipede. Seriously, if you're going to have a movie marathon with friends, you all should watch this movie. Keep a camera recording so we can see your reactions.
The Faces of Death series <3 (the first sequel is the best in my opinion. The shock factor is best in the first though.)
The King's Speech was rather good. The Room is so bad its good. (O hai doggie!) And... I'm totally blanking out on a couple other movies I know are good. Oh God... that movie... YOU ARE THE MIDDLE PIECE!
Amélie Wristcutters: A Love Story Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Science of Sleep Heathers Dan in Real Life Those are some of my favorites. Also, Star Wars.