I've been hearing that motion capture has been used for lots of games and movies recently. For those of you that don't know, motion capture is a technique used to animate 3D character models by recording the movement of live actors. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think Square Enix should consider using this technique to animate future games? Why or why not? There is indeed lots of cutscenes in all their games. I don't think it could hurt. I know that they don't currently use this cause of Kingdom Hearts's end game credits. They list animators, not performers.
From what I've seen (Heavy Rain), it seems to work pretty well. Although the facial expressions and mouth movements need a bit of tweeking.
Ah, heavenly Sword, was it used in Uncharted too? Nathan Drake looks alot like the guy who played him, they should use it but it dosen't bother me if they use it or not, the current engines are fine.
I know these use motion actors sometimes in the final fantasy games. I know Kumi Koda did motion capturinf for when Yuna sngs real emotion at the beinning of FFX-2. I Think Gackt did some motion acting when we saw G appear in the secret ending of FFVII:DoC