She rode with the wind, her honeyed hair tangling beautifully in its fingers as the wind itself delighted in her glorious tangles. She walked among the earth, as the plants grew to her wake making flooring just for her feet to walk among and bless it with countless fruit and nourish. She harnessed the fire, with her hands it became a rainbow of delight as it gave warmth to everything it alighted. She danced with the water, as the sylphs became her accompaniment in the rivers of blue, the fishes watched along. Those were such times, when she walked upon the world giving it life with her own body, her soul…she would not rest until the world was better. I saw her power, her energies being used in this world, she always smiled, even though I knew…that the more she gave…the more she lost. The world was chaos, great battles ensued. And the world was bitter. It yearned for something new. She watched as she tried to change this world with her hands. Try as she would, her connection to the gods diminished and she was left with her own power to rule over and safe everything. The once eyes, that glinted in brown tones, were now constantly closed, her smile left there. Perpetual, as if a mask had been placed on her true features. Some came to her, wishing to end disputes, but instead created more with their political battles. The mother of this world…she was dying. Her serene features…they were lost among the shadow of doubts, the lies of people. They cursed her, blamed her for everything she did, and the evil befalling the world, as if it were her wrong-doing. Soon her young features became those of darkness; the once gentle face was now tight-lipped and shut eyes. Her once gown of colors, green of the woods, blue of the waters, clear of the sky, strong of the fire…it was now the dark of ebony, an impenetrable darkness. Her crown of stars…gone. Her body became ashen. No more was the goddess of the world, but a hollow shell…A queen of the dark. The people saw her, some laughed at her misery, as she sat in a smooth white rock in the deep blackness of the forest. Others came, they understood her pain, and they knew she must return to the throne of heavens. So one day…A group, the ones who believed in her power, who knew what must be done, they walked through the forest path, nimble footed and prepared to free their goddess. There she was, under the moonlight, ashen faced. A shadow of her true self. They wept for her state, they were ashamed. Was this their doing? Why had they hurt her so? They looked at her, and knew she would not last long, they told her how important she was to the world, how the trees had flourished thanks to her. They sang of her glory. She smiled at their efforts, and cried…she now understood that she was needed still. She raised her arms in the air. And rain began to fall. She looked at the travelers, her gaze clear as was at the beginning of the world. Her hair began to flow as the wind caressed her features. “This world will flourish…” She said. And just like that she began disappearing; the particles of light were dissolving slowly. They were astonished, but she still smiled. “Each time you use fire to light your way…remember me, for I will be that fire.” She smiled serenely. “Each moment the wind graces you…remember me, for I will be that wind” She said strongly. “Each time you reap and sow…remember me, for I will be the earth” She smiled once more, and paused before she said anything else. The rain was pouring slowly, its droplets leaving the air cool, and crisp. She caught a droplet of rain in her hands. “Every time…you Catch the Rain….remember me, for I will be the rain.” With that she disappeared slowly into the atmosphere, the rain had stopped, and there the people stood, some weeping, others with a hope in their features. She is the wind that tangles your hair and graces you with a cool breeze. She is the earth that people walk among, with a field of flowers to flourish. She is the fire that lights the warmth in cold, lonely nights. She is the water, the rain that you can catch with your hands…. She is Mother Nature.
This is a bit of a bump, but such beautiful work doesn't deserve to go uncommented. I hope Kay actually read this, it's gorgeous. You only used "I" once, which was a bit confusing. You should have left the whole thing as just a complex description, forgetting the narrative. Your imagery is almost perfect, a few of your sentences drag on a bit too much but the adjectives used are rich and a pleasure to read. Hah, actually putting Catch the Rain in capitals was cheesy :v
Yes, she actually read it. I'm glad some saw it, too. I thought this would be forever forgotten. You noticed the capitals part xD Thanks for commenting.
I remember when you sent me this, I didn't realise you had posted it. No way in hell am I going to say anything negative about it, I think it is beyond beautiful and it still makes my eyes a little watery x: Love you for this always <3