Most painful injury

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Gobolo, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    We all get them from time to time.
    Some of us get them more frequently then others.
    The rest of us... well not so much.
    However all of us have been at some point.
    So by your memory what would be your most painful memory?
    Pain can exist emotionally too...

    You don't have to share, you can come and cringe at the painful stories or laugh if you want...

    For me, it would have to be:
    Age: 17
    I was jumping on a trampoline and I was "double bounced", due to physics (every action must have an equal and opposite reaction) I was bounced really high.
    The problem was that the way I bounced off was off the trampoline, onto the ground where the top of the back of my pelvis hit a metal pipe that was in the grass.
    that or,
    Age: 14
    Being on a youth camp with some other people.
    A scavenger hunt was going on and one of the things on the list was "Something unusual". We saw a tractor tyre lying in the grass.
    We decided to roll the wheel back to the camp. On the way there the tyre fell over on top of me. My pelvis was crushed from the front by the tyre.
    On top of that I was compressed into the wet earth and my tailbone was bruised heavily on rocks.

    The most pain for me comes from my pelvis.