Most Epic/tough Bosses?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kaihedgie, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Yeah, we all know THOSE. XD The bosses that have that frightenin' air about. The ones that give ye a reason to be afraid. So, who would ye think would be epic?

    Goro - The first of his kind to appear in a fighting game. Goro appeared in the first Mortal Kombat as the Sub-Boss. The dude even had his own theme music when fought against, and people with their own theme songs pretty much confirm they're tough stuff. Goro had the ability to literally jump off screen and come back crashin' down on yer bones and had some pretty mean punches

    Kintaro - But of course, Goro doesn't compare to his superior counterpart, Kintaro. This dude was f*ckin' TOUGH. Unlike Goro, Kintaro is much faster, and he enjoys smackin' you offscreen, but not as much as body slamming you like crazy. Kintaro's prowess itself is a testament of the player who faces him to see if he's truly worthy of fightin' Shao Kahn

    Ganon (OOT) - The most epic battle that could be found on the N64. The final battle of Ocarina of Time pits Link against a transfigured Ganondorf through the Triforce of Power, becomin' nigh invincible. The player is surrounded by a huge ring of fire, preventin' Zelda from interferin' as well as retrieving the Master Sword that was knocked out of the hero's hand. The dark skies dance with thunder in a very dark atmosphere, coupled with the epic music makes this very noteworthy. As saod before, Ganon was nigh-invincible, save for his tail, which was his only weak point. When half of the battle was reached, Ganon would fall on his knees and the ring of fire was dispelled momentarily, allowing Link to retrieve his sword. Enterin' the second battle phase, Ganon becomes immune to damage from any weapon other than the Master Sword, emphasisin' that the fight must be ended traditionally.

    Final boss of Mushishisama - Gawd, this is one TOUGH boss that just knocks a whole lotta people away. Bein' that she comes from a bullet hell game, she's often considered the hardest boss ever. Not just because of her high stamina, but the fact that she covers EVERY INCH OF THE SCREEN WITH PURPLE BULLETS. It is virtually impossible to defeat this boss without losin' lives, because you WILL GET HIT, NO MATTER WHAT.

    Mundus - The final boss of Devil May Cry. Mundus is a powerful demon who rules the underworld. He primarily hides under the stone armor of a god-like angel. He's ten times bigger than Dante and will take pleasure in pulverizin' ye with every chance he gets. This boss is so tough that Dante needs to use his father's trademark weapon and assume his form in order to beat him. The first stage of fighting him takes place in a realm consistin' of only space and thick, thunderous clouds. He fires red spears, debris and has a bigass laser, not to mention. The second battle phase takes place in a hellish realm where Mundus sits in the center of molten rock. Dante has been knocked out of his DT, but can still use it at will as he to strike the glowin' part that lies in the chest of the evil demon, whilst avoidn' fist crushes, hellfire dragons, etc. The final battle takes place in the catacombs where Mundus' stone armor is breakin' apart, revealin' his true form which consists of orange-colored, amorphous evil

    Zero - Though Zero is primarily a protagonist and X's closest friend, there have been a few times where they had to scuffle. Zero first appeared in the Mega Man X game as a mere plot device. In X2, he is rebuilt by Sigma after the blonde-haired hero sacrificed his life to save X from Vile.. This here marks his very first time as a boss character. His most famous battle however, was in Mega Man X5 where Zero's true power is awakened by a virus. As a boss, Zero's power is often exaggerated, compared to the playable version. At long range distance, Zero favors Double Charged Shots, which is always followed up with a wave of energy from his Z Saber. He also makes frequent use of his Giga Crush attack in which he slams his fist into the ground, causin' multiple Charged Shots to erupt from the ground. This would be the last time in a while where Zero himself is fought against directly, though virus clones of him appear in X6. A 'true' version of Zero appears in Mega Man Zero 3 as Omega Zero, the titular character's original body possessed by the antagonist Omega, and thus, exhibits X5-esque traits. 'Zero' is fought against once more in Mega Man ZX in the form of a possessed Giro usin' Zero's essence, known as Biometal Model Z, and is force to fight his friends Vent and Aile, who uses X's essence in the form of Mega Man Model X.. In the same game, Omega Zero makes a cameo appearance as an optional boss

    Final Hedgehog Battle (Sonic Adventure 2) - This is most likely a throwback to the final battle in Sonic CD since it shares so many similarities. In the final battle of either story, the two hedgehogs, Sonic and Shadow, face off on the Space Colony ARK's crumblin' runway, complete with eerie lighting on both hedgehogs to add to the frightening intensity to decide the ultimate fate of the world. This here is a pure, high speed battle in which both hedgehogs MUST keep movin'. The boss differs in which story you play. If you're in the Hero story, you'll fight Shadow. If in the Dark, you fight Sonic, and their boss incarnation apparently has no problem with keepin' up as they have access to a special move and Chaos Control, which allows them to warp back in fronr of the player, should they fall behind too far or fall off. What adds to the intensity is the music itself that's played in the background, an excellent mix of techno and dark themes, and has gone down as one of the best boss battle themes in the series

    Well, I can't think of anymore at this time. Can ye? XD
  2. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Jinpachi from Tekken 5- The quintessence of "owned", he kicked my ass on easy. He's just really, really cheap.

    Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy- He was damn near impossible until I figured out his patterns. This dude owned me so much with his extremely strong and fast moves. He's so damn strong...

    Persephone from God of War: Chains of Olympus- That chick was so over-powered. She pwnd me so many times , but it felt so good to beat her. She had so many powers and if your evasion was slightly off you take so much damage.

    Through the Fire and Flames (Expert) from Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock- I consider this epic song a boss. It has stricken down the hopes and dreams of thousands of gamers. For the select few who can conquer this raging behemoth *glares at Xendran*, you are something to say the least.

    Silhouette from Destroy all Humans!- She is the most insane human/alien powered thing ever. I hate her to this day with a passion. Such an epic fight though, since she has all your powers (but stronger) and about a million Majestic Agents on her side.
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Mike Tyson owns all!!!!! No one can trump him!
  4. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Wiegraf Folles - Final Fantasy Tactics - While this boss fight is only half way through the game itself, it stands out in my mind against many of the amazing battles as the single hardest, and single coolest. Wiegraf has sold his soul to the Aries Zodiac Stone, and Ramza must confront him alone. Wiegraf chooses not to transofrm as the battle begins, and Ramza suddenly finds himself facing off against a person of far superior strength if you have not been taking a lot of time out to train Ramza up in certain areas. The first playthroug of this game, I got stuck here by saving over my file before this fight, unable to beat him, and had to restart the entire game. Wiegraf is still a challenge even when you train Ramza to be a duel wielding ninja with excellent weaponry. And when you finally take him down, he transforms into the monstrous Belias and summons demons to his aid as your party arrives on the scene. One hell of a fight.

    Jecht - Final Fantasy X - Though not the hardest boss in the game (At least if you've taken the time to get a few legendary weapons and track down all of the Aeons) Jecht does not pull any punches in the coolness department, and makes the true final boss of the game, Yu Yevon, seem like a complete wuss. Turning into his Final Aeon form, Jecht soars over you in size, easily bigger than a modern day skyscraper, with a sword thats almst as big as he is. The music in the bakcground is hard-rock, and drives the battle forward, even as you tear him apart to march towards one of the greatest endings in any video game ever seen.

    The First Darkside - Kingdom Hearts - Yes its a wuss once you actually fight it. Yes it essentially becomes a normal enemy late in the game. But the first time you ever fight a darkside. That first look, with Sora crining in fear, then nearly falling off the edge of the platform into nothingness as it towers over you, you can't help but feel a sense of wonderment and fear. For this alone, I'd rankthis guy up there, not for staying power, but for first impressions.

    Andross - Star Fox 64 - When you finally fight through the entire Lylat System, and reach Andross's lair, the fight that ensues is frustrating and gripping, requiring excellent timing and good use of all the skills you have learned up to that point. But even as Andross explodes, the fight is far from over. The Arwing Switches into all-range mode as you prepare to take on Andross's smart-ass brain, which doesn't skimp on the danger. To this day, I get a feeling of excitement and worry from his attacks, especially his eyeballs attached to him by electricity, and his annoying ability to pop up right in front of you with ihs teleportation ability. I would even consider the flight out of the base part of this boss fight, keeping you white-knuckled to the control all the way to the dramatic conclusion with James McCloud flying away.

    And that's all I've got for now guys ^^
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Wiegraf was a pushover if Ramza was set up right... still a great duel though!
  6. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Tyson is sum serious sh*t. DX

  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Being a character in a 3D fighter makes him somwhat easier. He is challenging, but not nearly as overpowered as he would be in a 2D...

    Sidesteppity steppidy!!

    Jimpachi is much harder.

    Ok... another epic boss... Mother Brain! from Metroid 1!!! OMG She takes like 50 damage with each hit! And you can only have 500 health, and your under a constant barrage of hits!!! Not to mention you might very well run out of missles if you dont kill her fast as she heals!!

    Also, I'm suprised no one mentioned the grotesquely over powered turok bosses!!!
  8. SuperStardustHD Banned

    Mar 6, 2008
    That Place
    I still think that the last boss in Jak and Daxter was one of the most epic bosses of all time =D
  9. K.H.Nut13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 25, 2008
    the most epic boss was Jinpachi in Tekken 5. God, he was hard! for starters, he has a weird attack that can replenish his health, and he has a cannon on his stomach that he will fire at will on you. His normal attacks take out a lot more health than the usual normal attacks. He owned my ass about 50 times before I could beat the game with Jin Kazama.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Have you people forgotten the meaning of epic? ...Well some of those guys are epic but pretty much all the bosses in Shadow of the Colossus are epic. Oh and the Dahaka and Vizier (both Two Thrones and Sands of Time versions) are pretty epic at times...
  11. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Xehanorts Heartless- KH1: The guy was a pain in the rear end. You gotta fight him about 4 times, and; if you were a little guy when the game came out, then you'd be freaking scared out of your mind with the background music and all. Especially his Dark Guardian thing which emitted this monstrous voice whenever it got ready to attack. Oh, not to mention when you got to fight him alone in that pit. I was seriously intimidated back then. I still can feel that same fear I had whenever I fight that guy. x.o

    Dark Riku/Xehanort's Heartless-KH1: Yeah, I was also intimidated by this guy. THough, it was mostly the backgroud music that freaking got me all scared. The part I hate was whenever the guys started saying "Welcome to Oblivion!" and dark shuddering static would appear around his hand; or body. He'd start using strike raid and his attacks were a lot stronger. x.o

    Vosler(Sp?)-Final Fantasy XII: This was one of the bosses that I just got pissed off over. I never really leveled up my guys up to this point, so I can sort of understand why I had a tough time. Still, he had little minions to help too which also made the difference. Damn, this guy was tough. When the heck did this guy get so strong? Where was this guys power when I needed it when he was on my team. >.>

    Azure Kite-.Hack//G.U Vol.3 Redemption: Kite wasn't intimidating or anything, but it was pretty epic. Especially when he had Azure Balmung and Azure Orca along side him. It was a 3 on 3 battle. Kite provided the magic attacks, while Balmung and Orca provided the power. I lost maybe once or twice to these guys, until I found out how to beat them. The background music was pretty epic too. This is one of my favorite fights from the G.U series.

    16th Colossus- Shadow of Colossus: It was truly an epic battle. Your on top of a freaking mountain, it's stormy as hell out side, you got places to take cover, a giant beast is yards away from you; which can shoot bolts of lightning at you, and you got to find its weak point which lies ont its forhead. Did I mention this beast is like some sort of Castle that has to be at least as big as the Empire State Building? It's pretty cool the way you dodge the sudden bolts coming your way by dodge rolling your way to either a ruined barrier or underground catacombs. I tell you, you got to tslightly think outside of the box in order to beat this thing. If you were rating this boss for epic appearance and battle, then I'd give it a 10/10.
  12. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    his ear biting move is more powerful than 1 million descend heartless angels....times 2.
  13. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    If set up right being the key words. A first time player ho doesn't have a strategy guide will get torn apart by this guy, as the strategies you've used up to that point do not work on him. Period.


    Ganondorf - Wind Waker - Though some may have not appreciated Wind Waker's departure in terms of its style, Windwaker knew a thing or two about Epic boss fights. Every boss had its own unique charm to it, and most were difficult enough to figure out that you would end up expending a life or two to beat it, but not much compared to the final fight with Ganondorf. The build-up to the fight was nothing spectacular, fighting a pig balloon resembling Ganon, but the actual fight with Ganondorf himself was fantastic. In an area with water threatening to crush in on you from every side at any moment, truly aomospheric music, and a hulking beast of a man towering over little Link, You felt overwhelmed to say the least. The match opens with a straght up swordfight, punishing you for poor timing, albeit friendly enough that you can get it done. After a few rounds of this, Zelda actually does something in a fight! Shooting light arrows at you to reflect back at Ganondorf, Zelda made for an interesting twist in how the fight played out. I still get chills everytime I face the cel-shaded Ganondorf, maybe even more than when facing the Twilight Princess Version.
  14. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    The final boss of The World Ends With You. That dude had five heads attacking all at once! And a sixth out of reach that attacked once in a while.
  15. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    I was able to beat him........once........but it was by points only, not by KO........But man, he was tough as crap. I can't remember much harder fights.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Ovan from Dot Hack G.U Vol. he was as tough as they come.3 orbs that healed him,one orb that acted as a shield,and an attack that deals over half of your max health >.<
  17. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    Revolution Deathsquad on my Guitar Hero II Custom Disc: All who have beaten this song are inhuman Beasts *Glares in mirror*
    Seriously, this song took me a ****ign week of practice playign this song only straight for 5 hours a day. look it up on ytoutube (chart is by Vovoid84 or somethign like that)
  18. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    is mike tyson really that bad?

    Yiazmat(Final Fantasy XII): According to his bestiary article, he was the God of Dragons that went feral. It was a pain in the a** to get it though. He had about 50,000,000 HP and could take one person down in two stomps. His strength paired with Stone Breath, White Breath, and Deathstrike makes him even worse. And his big screen move, Cyclone, comes when you don't want it to come. When his HP's halved, all damage taken is halved. And as his HP drops even more, his strength, magic, and level doubles. This guy is also freakin' huge. Not only that, but you had to fight it at a bobby traped colliseum. Good thing his speed was kinda slow, unlike Omega Mark XII's. And the also that you could fight him as many times as you want with his HP the same as it was left from the last encounter.

    Omega Mark XII(Final Fantasy XII): The "Omega Weapon" of the game. It looks like an overgrown bug and has four legs. All it does is shoot lasers at you, but they can cause you to become berserk. It also counterattacks your every hit. As stated above, this thing's fast, but a bit weaker than Yiazmat. Still, two hits and someone's gone. I died in less the first five minutes of the fight on my first encounter. In the Japan version, it had about 10,000,000 HP. In the US version, it had about 1,000,000. Unlike Yiazmat, you had to kill it in one battle.
  19. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Sephiroth from FF7. This guy was impossible, it took me 2 weeks to beat him and even then it was a fluke (1hp left).

    The Dark Prince from PoP The Two Thrones. Epic battle, taking you through a section from every game and, you can't die!

    Kailena/The Da'haka from Prince of Persia Warrior Within. I actually theought that Kailena was harder than the Da'Haka for two reasons:

    1. You didn't have Max health for Kailena
    2. That girl was sooo damn fast

    I thought that the challenge of getting the Da'Haka and killing him after running away from him for almost the whole game was epic. Water Sword RULES.
  20. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    Akuma from Street Fighter Alpha Max 3:
    That guy totally kicked my butt, over and over again!:D

    Angeal from Final Fantasy VII:Crisis Core:
    Well i died a few time's against him, like 11 time's so i guess he was hard to beat:D