The title says all. I don't want what looked the best or charcter was cool. I want the FF that really touched your heart and explain. Mine is FF X because of the realtionship between Yuna and Titus and (SPOILER) how she says that she loves him at the end. XIII doesn't count since serah isn't really a MAIN character. Sorry forgot to add 11, 12, and 13 to the poll ^^"
I have to say VII. Aerith's death was a heartbreaker. The game had many sad parts, what with the scare about Marlene possibly dying at the beginning, at that part where a sector was blown up by Shinra and a whole bunch of people in Midgar dying. Cloud had ALOT of issues with his sad past. Cid had all of his hopes and dreams crushed right under his nose. Tsung was killed by Sephiroth right after joining the good guys. And quite possibly that GIANT METEOR that Sephiroth summoned to destroy the world. It had really gotten to the point where all of the people had completely lost hope, and didn't even know what to do with their lives anymore. And if anyone remembers that part right in the beginning, right after arriving in... crap... what was that towns name... I want to say Junon...? Anyways, thhere was that little girl that nearly drowned, and you barely saved her in time by giving her CPR. There was also Aerith's mother dying when she was a little girl... She was still trying to talk to her all happy while holding her bloody body in her arms... And that part where the woman waits by the train every day to see if maybe her husband will come back home... I might have a few things sideways, I haven't played it in a long time, but I recall those things, just not in any particular order(please don't think I sequenced that xDD), as being tear-jerkers.
I agree with you, but there really wasn't a strong character bond in VII. Don't get me wrong, I love VII (Sorry but I like love scenes xD)
Main series, probably VII for me. That was not a happy game (and the tacked-on happy ending of Advent Children really ruined that.) For spinoffs, I would have to say Crisis Core. I knew how it was going to end, but that last scene with Zack and Cloud was still pretty heart-wrenching. But the game that draws the most emotion from me has to be X because of how much I loathe and despise it. Runner-up in that category, VIII.
I know this will draw a ton of ire from FFX fans, and I'm sorry if it offends anyone. I really am. But I'm not trying to tell anyone that they're wrong for liking it. Honestly, it has a lot going for it. The gameplay, graphics and music are all wonderful. But I just really, really hated the characters. It's the same reason I hated VIII and XIII. Worst of all, in my opinion, was Tidus. I really think he might be one of the, most obnoxious, most pants-on-head STUPID characters in video game history. For proof, I refer you to the infamous laughing scene. A big chunk of my hate is for James Arnold Taylor's acting. Now normally, I love the guy's work. He's a very talented voice actor. But I thought he really dropped the ball with Tidus. Oh and speaking of balls, I really hated Blitzball. I suspended my disbelief as far as it could possibly go and I still couldn't accept that game.
Crisis Core. The ending was so depressing and emotional was heavily depressed for days, and Cloud's scream just added into the emotional factor. ( now needs a box of tissues ) :cryinganime:
FFIX, first game to make me cry... I was nine to be fair with xD It is a good scene when Spoiler Vivi sees the other Black Mages get blown off the ship by Black Waltz 3 then proceeds to shoot the bugger out the sky WITH FIRE.
FF7. T^T Zack died. He was one hell of a hero. =( Now he's gone... FFX made me cry...When Tidus had to leave Yuna...
Wow, thanks for spoiling FFX. So far for me was Crisis Core. The ending scene was just...damn. Aside from that...there were a few parts of FFIII. I usually don't get too emotional with games anyway though, lol.
I think that falls under the "game's been out for so long, spoilers don't matter" category, though. I've haven't played that many games, but I know the plot of Tactics pissed me off. How the real hero was a heretic and the "hero" was corrupt. But for saddest, I'd say FFX for the whole damn storyline. I mean, what Tidus found out about his existence, his dad, and the end was just saddening.
Most emotional of the bunch? Definitely Final Fantasy XIII. But since it's not on the poll... My vote goes to Final Fantasy X. I loved watching the journey to break the cycle of death and the ending was really sad.