YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I WOKE UP EARLY TODAY 7 A.M. EARLY #UNSTOPPABLE Also I saw the new Star Trek yesterday, it was good c: I like Spock's actor
My sleeping schedule (If I currently have one.) is highly irregular. As for Star Trek, it would be bragging to reveal my connection to one of the movie's actors. Plus, who isn't connected to Kevin Bacon? Also, I've never seen any of Star Trek's shows or movies. (That last bit will change today.)
I would get up at 7am but I love sleep. Also, in about an hour and a half I shall be going to see Star Trek into Darkness... and it will be glorious.
Reeeeeeally enjoying that gif. But aww, they replaced Sylar? That's upsetting. At least his successor is doing well.
It's 7 AM and I wake up in the morning, gotta go downstairs, gotta have cereal. The clock is ticking on and on, everybody's rushin'... myhandisadolphin.
I wish I did, I hate how lazy I am Of course if I went to bed before eleven every night I wouldn't have even the modicum of social life I currently have, so