You'd expect more staff to be on now, given that it's the day of the upgrade, and yet the only staff that have been on today are libregkd, iwantedtoexplode and Forsaken, with the last two being the most recent. It's currently 7:38 AM, but it's 10:38 AM for most of the staff. Olly olly oxen free! Edit - 7:51 AM (PST): Well, RVR's on now.
Or Mark. Although Misty's not on currently, either. :p Edit - 8:55 AM (PST): Scratch that. She's been on today as of about 30 minutes ago.
Well, "slack off" as in not being able to access the site during the upgrade, lol. Besides, considering it's also the first day of the holiday break for quite a few members in general, I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't pop up right away.