I just beat the eighth gym and am getting ready for victory road. Here's my team so far. Spoiler Emboar lv 42 Type: Fire/Fight Nature: Gentle Ability: Blaze Moves: -Brick Break -Flame Charge -Heat Crash -Assurance I'm ok with Emboar, but I could be wrong. Always accepting advice. Unfeant lv 42 Type: Normal/Flying Nature: Very finicky Ability: Super Luck Moves: -Air Slash -Fly -Roost -Quick Attack I'm not sure about Unfezant, it has no type coverage. Could use better moves if any. Musharna lv 42 Type: Psychic Nature: Modest Ability: Synchronize Moves: -Psychic -Future Sight -Calm Mind -Yawn Like Unfezant, Musharna has no type coverage though I might just teach it Shadow Ball if I can. Over which move? I have no clue. I don't even know if this pokemon has the right moves it should have. Seismitoad lv 41 Type: Water/Ground Nature: Sassy Ability: Poison Touch Moves: -Mud Shot -Rain Dance -Uproar -Surf I kind of like Siesmitoad, but I'm not sure it has the right moves it should have. Excadrill lv 42 Type: Ground/Steel Nature: Sassy Ability: Sand Rush Moves: -Earthquake -Slash -Swords Dance -Rock Slide This has pretty much become one of my more useful pokemon and I'm pretty ok with it. And that's my team, any help to improve it is appreciated.