More of a complaint then help

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Shadow Keyblade Newbie, Dec 22, 2007.

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  1. Shadow Keyblade Newbie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 9, 2007
    The more I post the more I've been seeing corruption within the staff doing things to only my threads while others have posted other threads related to my own frankly I'm mad about it. After making a Gameshark Thread for KH2 Codes in the right spot sure I read that announcement but I made a thread a staff member didn't made. I subscribed to it to see what happend to it and sure enough it got deleted.

    Now I search for it to descover it was deleted and found somebody else made a KH2 thread for codes it starts out for help THEN it turns into a pure Code thread wich has me ticked I'm thinking why isn't this thread not gone while mine is.

    My only conclusion is the staff here think I'm bad or something just because I didn't start posting till now when I first joined or something else all together I have no freakin idea I too am trying to help the community but how can I when their are corrupt staff locking and or deleting everything I freakin do I have been obaying the rules here been doing what the staff said after my second and third topics but for this too happen I am getting sick of it what is the deal with the staff and myself why is it only I am getting picked on while everyone else can do what ever the hell they please well exept one user who was PMing a site to people to go to but still.

    Everyone has started out with Gameshark before these other companies did their own thing that's why I made that thread in the Code Vault when I did to help other people who have only Gameshark like myself hell I even gave credit to the Ultima Keyblade Code were credit was due I could have stole it but I didn't why because it's wrong like what the staff are doing with me and my threads it's like the only thread that was proboly not closed was my intro thread.

    I mean it would make me feel better if a staff member made the Gameshark Thread for KH2 even for FM+ but do they no I felt like I needed to do it with my own hands seriously I am sick of this while sure on the outside on the main page it may seam friendly to KH VIDS but in the forums I have seen the darker community sure while the regular members like myself are ok cool and what ever the staff seam more like a dark force or something and I am their taboo or I know that sounded cheesy but bear with me I am just realy mad right now and I want to know why is this happening to only me
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Thats because that thread was made a LOONGGG time ago. ._.

    Secondly, What makes you think our staff is corrupted? Because they deleted a thread that happened to belong to you? The staff is constantly pruning the forums to eleminate threads we already have.

    Bottom line, chances are the staff is doing that for a reason, and isnt corrupt.

    Lastly, If my memory serves, the coding section of the forum, where you would have posted this, counts to your total post count, of which you only have 3. Which makes it seem like you only had this one thread, which would have been deleted because of the reason below. Sooo.. this isnt just happening to you.

    EDIT: After checking that forum it says specifically NOT TO POST any new threads about KH2 codes.
  3. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    1. Wrong section :333

    2. Corrupt? >.>

    One thing, the people who take care of the code vault, are not normally the staff. Mostly cause no staff really goes in there. So we have coders to do that. And if there is a thread that already has that same topic, we will either lock or delete yours. It saves server space, and makes the forum less cluttered. Just because we deleted your thread doesnt mean we hate you -.- Ive had alot of my threads closed and locked, and Im not hated on staff ._.

    Second, the coders take care of the code vault as they see fit. And we have had no problems since then, so Im going to let them keep doing the things they are doing in there.

    Third, the staff is not corrupt. If you want to see corrupt staff, go some where else, because we are not corrupt. We are NOT teaming up on you.

  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Didnt the site go down because we had too many threads/posts once? lol.
  5. Shadow Keyblade Newbie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 9, 2007
    Actualy I have been posting mainly in the Code Vault which dosn't increase your post count

    The reason why some of our staff is corrupt is because I have been seeing this only in my threads General Discussion and the shortive off topic forum I can't remember it's name but both were questions reguarding code help on KH1 which I LOL discovered the problem behind it forgot about the abilities are part of the game script but both times I posted them of course both got locked atleast not deleted but one was nice and generatious to saying were to post my problem in the code vault wich was cool and everything but the second time I made the thread after it was locked like 5 minutes later literaly the mod seamed ticked off locking it saying basicly post it in such and such thread in the code vault and saying not realy but saying what I did was very annoying and seamed rude.

    Now with my Gameshark thread I stated in it I knew I was taking a risk on it and asked the staff before they did anything to think it threw without just deleting it or doing what ever to the thread because think about it we all have started with Gameshark in our early days of gaming and or Game Genie the thread was deleted yes I was mad but I didn't get a PM from the staff member who deleted it saying the reason why it was deleted I mean is it just me or did the staff member want to hide the reason he or she removed my topic all together I'm just saying it just seams weird and if you go look at my introduction thread it has 15 posts 2 pages all with of course the usual standered polite posts but still that topic didn't get locked if you think that is also weird

    I am just saying the ones who are doing the main locking and deleting not the ones I havn't met yet if I offended some of the staff I apologize
  6. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    My bad, thought the Code Vault counted.

    If you posted about the Gameshark codes in General Disscussion it would have been locked/deleted because there's the Code Vault forum.

    Basically, if you want to post about Gameshark codes in the Code Vault, dont make another thread, just post in one that already exists.
  7. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Because the thread was in the wrong section >_< Its not only the staffs job to make sure nothing bad is happening, but also to make sure all threads are in the right place :/ Code

    If it is ANYWHERE else, we can and WILL lock it :/

    What orion said :/ If there is already a thread existing, post in that one.
  8. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
  9. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Yeah, there's a lot of repeat threads, and we have posted specific rules to the code vault even before the coders got our permission to run it.

    We haven't had any complaints and I haven't heard any complaints from members about our staff. They've been working with us at least a few months now, so if there's been a problem, I haven't seen any. Sorry about your threads being deleted, but you should read the rules and do the Search option.

    We are fine as long as you follow the rules.
  10. Shadow Keyblade Newbie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 9, 2007
    Geez everyone has become touchy I do want to reclear I actualy posted it in the Code Vault for the KH2 Gameshark codes and it was just deleted I see this offended some of the staff which I did not intend to I was just trying to aim it at the ones who were doing it and again I apologize sincerely I checked the vault and didn't see any other GShark Codes for KH2 just the ones listed in stickies besides the one I made that got simply deleted which I still do not know why it was deleted no specific reason was PMed to me
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