"What do you mean the book?" His grandfather asked, questioningly, "The Ganmai." Darrin's eyes turned to a dusty red and black book, he was fairly small. And had gold writing on the cover, it said "The Ganmai." "Over there." His grandfather replied instantly. The grandfather's sturdy build meant stong arms and he was very wise. A very good role model. Then Xanaria came running in. "THE TRANSFER, IT'S BEGINNING!" Darrin and his grandfather rushed out and into the yard, they had set upo a larghe pot and Darrin started reading out of the "Ganmai". "Seven bird feathers, Eighteen pebbles, Four pieces of flesh, and a page from a book." Then his grandfather, who is named Shen, put the ingredients in the pot. Then the once clear water turned into a multi-coloured whirlpool, Xinny put her finger in and a picture of a person appeared. "Hi Grandma! How old are you now?" As Darrin heard this he looked straight at Xanaria, and punched her in hte face. "What was that for?" Xinny said irritably. "Respect your elders." Darrin walked over to Xanaria and kicked so hard she flew through the air vand hit the wall of their house, she slowly got up and came at Darrin with a dagger, Darrin took out a sharp spiked ring and held it to her neck. "I said, RESPECT YOUR ELDERS." "No thanks." Xinny said with attitude. "Well then, I shall teach you to."