What's correct? Wikipedia says moral support is giving support to a person or cause, but here it says morale is a person's mental or emotional state, which refers to life. I know morale can be used for confidence. For example, the more morale you have in Dynasty Warriors, the better your allies do, and vice-versa if the enemy has more morale. This, however, has me stumped.
I shall answer the same way I answer everything: with examples. Moral support: Just being there for someone. Giving them support when they need it, even if you don't have to do anything. ie: Your shy friend is going to the office to pick up a bus pass. You go with them so they don't freak out beyond the confines of their shyness. Morale support: This is making people feel better about themselves and their peers, allowing them to continue and perhaps save their life. ie: giving a rousing speech to soldiers who are about to give up hope. Suddenly, they feel they can walk another fifty kilometers and they make it to the next town where they don't freeze to death in Russian winter.
I'd say moral support is more like being there to help someone through a difficult decision. Do I shoot this one person, and save two lives, or do I do nothing? This one uses the word moral, based on one's own morals, and standards, when interacting with their environment. Basically, right and wrong. Your definition of morale support is pretty accurate. A high morale means you feel good about yourself. You're confident, and ready for whatever is ahead. A low morale, however is the complete opposite. You feel like ****, and want to run away from whatever is over the next hill. You feel like you can't do anything right.
So if KH-V, for whatever reason, were to rename their Help with Life section, would the second one be correct?