Monotone Rainbows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Feb 1, 2011.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    (Terra was my betar, again.) OOC Thread

    You are going through life in whatever way is normal for you. Well, all of that ends soon.

    The day starts off as any day would, with perhaps slight changes, but the moment you get to school it all goes haywire. The experience varies from person to person; perhaps you see things move out the door or window, hear weird voices or sounds, or something along these lines. If you do happen to check it out you find nothing.

    Also, everyone is acting differently. The nice people are on edge and hardly talk and if they do talk they are freaking out about something however random and as improbable it may be, the jerks are acting a bit too nice, and all of the teachers are monotone, lifeless robots personality wise.

    The day is nearing an end, but any relief you may be feeling is soon swept away at the sight of someone entering your last period of the day brandishing a gun.

    Perhaps you freak out, or maybe you stay silent as possible. Reflecting on life or praying to live. Whatever you do, you and everyone else in the classroom finally have the exact same experience.

    You all hear a gun shot and then everything goes black.

    - February 12th, 2012: News Report -

    At a local high school a class of twenty-five students and their teacher have all mysteriously disappeared. Police will say nothing about this case, but it has been leaked that no one was caught on tape leaving or entering the building during the time of the disappearances nor have the cameras caught footage of the people missing ever leaving campus since then. Searches through out the school has been done yet no trance of the missing persons have been located. If you have any information...

    The disappearance of the twenty-five students and their teacher was not natural. In fact, the guy with the gun never existed. He was just an illusion. They do not know this though. In fact, they know very little about what happened to them that day or the world around them.

    There are a few things they learn about the world after waking up in their old school, which is now abandoned. They haven't aged a day even though they vanished ten years ago, things supernatural seem to be common knowledge and very real, everyone speaks of some up-coming war which they never heard about before all of this happened, all their families and everyone they knew outside of the classroom cannot be found and it's like they never existed before, and that they all woke up with a note which says the same thing.

    Welcome to the third world war.​
    America, now no longer refered to as The United States, thinks it is safe from the war as it yet again went for neutrality, but history will repeat itself. It will be brought into the war, one way or another. ​
    So, prepare yourselves because the cause of the war is the holocaust of humans by supernatural beings, and the isolation of supernatural beings brought on by humans.​
    Which side are you on? Well, you are not human. And humans will not give you protection forever. ​
    Learn about your newly awakened powers, train, and learn how to fight. You will be hunted down eventually. So rise up and become the soldiers of this war. ​
    Otherwise your life ends soon.​

    War? The supernatural? You're not human? So many questions, so little answers.
    So, what will you do? Prepare for war? Seek out answers? Try to go back to whatever normal life as possible? Whatever you do the choice is yours. Just be ready to take the first step into the new world.

    Setting: Earth, 2022. Starts out in Sector 21, Subdivision 17, once known as New York City. It is December. Our characters will travel from place to place and won't stay here too long. They can also go their separate ways.

    Starting Point: The students did not wake up at the school together, so they did not run into each other there. They could of ran into each other and be working together when the rp starts, or later meet up with each other. It's a week after they reappeared and no one knows who they are. They are unregistered in any databanks and any id cards they may have had are now missing. They may resister for a house or license, but otherwise they will be unable to buy/rent a house/apartment, shop, or leave the subdivision. Legally anyway. There are some places where supernatural beings hide out and are housed for free, no questions asked. But it's first come, first serve, and they can only stay there for free for a little bit. (Not like that would matter though *chuckles*)

    Extra Tidbits: All states are known as Sectors now, with subdivisions instead of cities. The teacher's location is currently unknown. You may start out as another character and all information you need will be told to you by me through pms. Otherwise, the students and you will learn about this new world as the rp progresses.

    Technology: It quickly advanced, with supernatural help, but the place where the students are is stuck in the past. They do have all the advance medicine and stuff, and some newer cars and phones, but otherwise not much has changed.

    Powers: You can list three, but if you are one of the students then they will not be able to use all three. At the point where it starts they can either be slightly trained better than most, but with only one power, or know of two of their powers but will not be able to use them as well as someone who only knows one of theirs. However, they have this 'survivor mechanism' that allows them to tap into their full power. Though, of course there are drawbacks to this. It is only accessible when they are near-death or in extremely stressful situations and is not accessed willingly. Their eyes will change into a solid color (each one has a different color, which also sometimes their iris will change this color whenever they use their powers) and their minds will go blank. They will have no control over themselves. Their focus will be to destroy any threat towards them, or, if that is not possible or they need medical help more so, to flee. It only lasts for a few moments and is unpredictable as to when it will occur. When it is over the person will either pass out or become immobile for a while. How long depends on how much power they used. (The first few times will obviously be harder on their bodies to the point where they won't remember anything that happened while in this state.) They can learn how to control this state, which we shall call 'Hyper State' for now, and use it to boost their powers, but not until later into the rp.

    Roles: (Spots Open) Extra info.

    Students: (16) I ask that if you have a student that you do not sign up for a non-student character and vice versa. And though I labeled them student and non-student, 'students' is just referring to those who vanished for ten years while 'non-student' is everyone else. You can be a 'non-student' and have a character in school. If this is confusing then my apologies.

    Non-students: (3) I don't think we'll get every student role filled up, but I would rather have more them then anyone else, for now anyway. More slots will open down the road.


    No godmodding, powerplaying, killing off people's characters without their permission, swearing is allowed but no going overboard, be active, romance is welcome and encouraged, but no taking it too far (the 'fade out to black' scenes are allowed), etc.
    If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK.
    Don't make a character that probably wouldn't exist.
    I might break my own rules (most likely godmodding) for plot purposes. In some cases, I'll ask you to do so, too.
    Please use proper grammar. And "for talking," thinking, and color code characters is liked, but not needed.
    Don't get impaitent and have your character walk off after saying hi to someone because they don't reply quick enough. Though you are allowed to do so if it takes them an insane amount of time or they say it'd be best if your character did so because they will be busy.
    Respect each other and no flame wars. And remember, if someone's character is a jerk to you in the rp then that does not mean they are insulting you personally. So take no offense if you make a character who you think everyone will love and then have someone in the rp hate her/him.

    OC Form

    Powers: [Three Maximum.]
    Color: [The color their character's eyes change to in their 'Hyper State' or use their powers.]

    Accepted OCs

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Abbey Basone aka Apple
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Appearance: (A better picture to come later. And minus the pointed ears, and her normal eye color is green. The hat is black.)
    Bio: There's nothing interesting to put here. She had her normal day by day life living with just her mom as an only child. You could say she was spoiled, but only because she never let on just how much she worked for each and everything she owned as the only time she got anything from her mom was on birthdays and holidays. And that inculded food since the day she got a job. Her mom is not mean though, she was just trying to prepare her daughter for the world. Since the day she woke up in the run-down school she has been looking over the entire subdivison, being unable to leave it currently. She knows that the people she is looking for did not live in New York at the time she disappeared so she is waiting on a forged passport to be able to leave the area. Until then she wishes to befriend someone interested in leaving with her as she fears being alone.
    Personality: Quick to start a conversation and jump into one if it interests her. She is out-going and cheerful and friendly most of the time. However she easily is distracted and zones out, especially when listening to music. She doesn't know how to feel about all that is going on and is searching for friends she knew before all of this happened but no records of them exist. She cares more about finding them than anything. And as stated in her bio she fears being alone so she clings to whoever she can, though finding it hard to open up to most while she'd pour out her heart to others. She doesn't understand why this is so, it just is.
    Powers: Turn off and on pain receptors, undo any healing that has been done naturally or otherwise, and pass on her pain to others, emotional and physical.
    Color: Golden
    Other: Carries a dull green messenger bag on her at all times.

    Username: Program
    Name: Ange,Mendo
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Bio: Ange lived with her uncle, her parents dieing in a car accident; she and her uncle were happy together, considering one another siblings. The day made her tense, and awkward. Seeing the man with the gun didn't help either. She woke up and found herself alone in the classroom, and went around looking for people she knew. After a awhile, talking to some other people and looking at the recent news, she concluded she was in some future of earth. Now she is looking for someone to befriend, scared and alone.
    Personality: Shes usually shy and timid, but once gets to warm up to you (Usually fast) she'll loosen up. Shes quite random, and sometimes takes things to far. She s sensitive and cries easily, but tries to hide it(Doesn't do a too good job). She does in her best in anything, but sometimes its not so good.
    Powers: Whatever she draws can come to life(Takes a lot of energy out of her). She can enter a dream state where she falls asleep and enters other's minds(Sometimes she can do it awake, but she must concentrate hard.). And control over earth(Dirt,ground. what ever you want to call it.)
    Color: Dark green.
    Other: Carries a old,brown messenger bag, with Misc. things.

    Username: Terra
    Name: Risit Grey
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Bio: Risit was someone who often kept to himself except when a situation required he had to communicate with others. It wasn't that he didn't like other people it was just that he never found anyone he cared to be around for very long. As for the rest of his life, he found it so dull that he's intent on never bringing up the past as he does not even miss it. The only thing he mentions of his past is his experience with firearms since one of his old hobbies was to "target shoot" as he used to call it.
    Personality: Although he can easily come off as callous Risit cares only about the most important things in life. Most importantly, life itself. He often loves takes the "the moral high ground" while turning his back on it when he sees suit to break the rules. If he ever gets into a rough situation he wouldn't be afraid to play dirty to get out of it.
    Powers: Controls the realm of "movement" allowing for the use of telekinesis, teleportation, and energy projection. The latter of the powers being the ability to push the life force out of the body into a violent burst of energy proportional to the amount of strength put behind it. Obviously, it would tire Risit very quickly.
    Color: Light Silver (Nearly white)
    Other: N/A

    Username: Master of keyblades
    Name: Sora
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Bio: A loner, outcast, these are some of the names use to descripe sora but if someone he care about is in trouble he is the first one to help
    Personality: Not many people can see it but sora has a good heart
    Powers: Control of lighting,Flight,Weapon summoning
    Color: Azure
    Other: N/A

    Username: Mindight Star
    Name: Amy Moon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Bio: Abby has never been a popular girl and has been bullied, she usually just tagged along with people but never really belong in a group with them. She'd try hard to be friends with everybody, a strategy that has backfired before, causing to get caught in the middle of arguments. She has always been hardworking and well behaved in school, and had a good family at home, though now she cannot remember her life before.
    Personality: She is hard working and determined, and has an optemistic veiw of things. She does not like fighting, avoiding it where possible but will do what ever it takes to protect her friends. She longs to belong and once she's made friends, she will work hard to keep them.
    Powers: Invisibility, super speed and the ability to mimic things she sees other people do (Not including powers)
    Color: Purple

    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Alex Tempesta (meaning "strom" in Italian)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Bio: Alex was a very popular boy. He was the kid that the girls wanted to date and the unpopular boys wanted to be. He was always surrounded by his loving family. However, his mother became gravely ill with an unknown and uncureable disease when he was nine. She soon died afterwards. Because of this, his father became depressed and started to drink. This caused him to think irrationally and he attacked Alex often. This taught him to defend for himself. Soon enough, his father was arrested for driving "under the influence" and causing a massive accident on the highway. He was sentenced to 10 years for each person that died (which was 8 people). This happened when he was fourteen. Alex now had to make his own breakfast, do his own laundry, etc. Soon enough, he had to get three jobs and pay mortgage for the house. Because he didn't have enough money, he sold the house, took his very personal belongings, and moved into a cheap apartment.
    Personality: Alex is very sweet and kind to everyone he meets. He never let his popularity get to his head, he would even hang out with unpopular kids to try and "up" their status. After the terrible events that occured in his life, he learned self-defense, responsibility, and perseverance. Because of the events, he also will protect his friends at any cost, even with his life. He doesn't want to lose them like he lost his family. He doesn't like to be lonely as well. However, Alex always acts kind, optimistic, and friendly to mask the sadness he feels inside.
    Powers: (His powers will be wind-oriented, in order of power from least to greatest.)
    • Gale Gust- Basically sends a strong force of wind at an enemy (this is the power that he only knows and is quite good at).
    • Spherical Wind- Creates a sphere of wind around his body about 72 inches (or 6 feet) that can be used as protection. He can also release the sphere to send wind rushing 360 degrees around his body to blow back enemies.
    • Tornado Spin- Spins rapidly, almost like a top, and slices the targeted enemy with razor-sharp wind gusts. However, each cut will only cause a small wound and lasts for about 20 seconds.
    Color: Orange
    Other: He loves animals, pasta, and video games. :3

    Username: Twilight Knight
    Name: Claudio Krähe
    Age: 17
    Bio: Claudio was an exchange student from Germany. He was one of those boys that had people swarming over him asking what it was like there. He lives alone in a house is father payed for. Still learning English, he has trouble interacting with other people because of language barriers. He was never bullied because his strong and angry demeanor threw most people off. He only has a year left before he goes back to his home of Germany. Now he tries to make the most of this strange land.
    Personality: Claudio is strong willed and is easily ticked off. He tries not to let his anger get the best of him. His anger activates his powers. Although, under his strong demeanor he strongly cares for his friends and will do anything to protect them.
    Powers: Intangibility/Invisibility/Able to release huge blasts of energy. (Not able to control this power yet. It is much too powerful for him to handle.
    Color: Bright green
    Other: N/A

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Samantha (Sam) Rivers
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Bio: Sam lived as a normal girl for a while until her mother fell ill and into a comatose state. Her father couldn't stand living alone even though Sam was there. Isolating himself, he left Sam to raise herself with her military leader uncle. Raised as a child of war, Sam had began to rebel against her Uncle's word. Though he never lost his temper with her as her father had. When the other soldiers gave the traditional thumbs-up sign for when they were ready, she gave a thumbs-down as a sign that she was independent. School was never easy for a military child, and she kept herself isolated from the other students.
    Personality: Quiet, strong-willed, cautious and kind-hearted.
    Plasma Beam: a beam of pure energy that comes from her hands.
    Corruption: a stronger version of the Plasma Beam but may also inflict a lasting damage like a parasite that eats away at the host.

    Color: [The color their character's eyes change to in their 'Hyper State' or use their powers.] Bright Blue
    Other: Sam often talks to herself and is never afraid to throw herself into a fight.

    Username: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    Name: Rachel Grace
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Bio: Rachel had a pretty normal life before the man with the gun. She had a loving family and a nice house. That all changed. Now she is in a classroom, having trouble remembering her parents' names. She is alone with no proof that anyone would find her. All she wants is to find someone else and learn more about the Sectors and subdivisions.
    Personality: Outgoing but keeps to herself a lot. She makes friends fast. Would run away from a fight but would help if she has to.
    Powers: Water, Lightning/Thunder, and Wind.
    Color: Rose Red
    Other: N/A

    Username: Malice
    Name: Philps
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Bio: Known for his loner like qualities, he was never seen doing as he was told unless he found it to be interesting. Simple minded yet bold, he saw life as "my way or no way at all". Something of a bullet, nothing would get in his way.
    After the incident, it took him time to recover from the shock, but quickly got back up on his feet. Though inside he was still some what afraid, he went by instinct and his usual way, and percerviered, quickly venturing off away from the others. He now has been traveling alone on his own. Independent from the start and never relying on his parents, this was not something that was new to him.
    Personality: Very cool and laid back, his personality is self explanatory. Though conservative to hide certain things about himself, he even deny's thoughts of them to himself. Otherwise, he is not as much of a leader as he is a boulder, doing as he pleases. It is either you follow, or you get left behind. That's how he sees it.
    Feast: the ability to feed on engative energy. Whether it be actual dark energy from someones powers, or the negativity produced by emotions, he can feed off of it, allowing himself to strengthen

    Insanity: The more negative energy he consumes, the more adrenaline will begin to flow through him. It truelly is just a form of being hyper, but as that adrenaline increases, strength, speed, and reaction increases. Not to mention the effect of him gaining a type of tourets like fighting style, his actions becoming extremely fast, more of a twitch then an actual attack.

    Manipulation: His most dangerous ability, though most basic. By taking the energy he has gained, he can give it physical shape, manipulating it as he pleases. This can only last for so long though, as it drains him quickly of his energy.
    Color: They turn full black

    Other: He is a vampire, of sorts. After what has been years of evolution to fit in with modern society, though the taste for blood does still exist, they have evolved into aura vampires, feeding off of the positive energy of people that usually gives them the "life" that they need, just as blood used to be that form of food. Due to certain conditions involving Philps though, he is instead one that feeds off of negative energy. Due to the lack of knowledge of these spiritual vampires being what they are though, there would be no way to tell if one was one, except for Philps special case, in which his other powers have revealed themselves.

    Accepted OCs - Special Roles

    Username: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    Name: Nico Dawn
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: silver hand gun (
    Appearance: (ears are a headband)
    History: Born in “Paradise,” Nico trained to be a soldier since she could walk. Her family was against her decision to become a soldier, always saying that as soon as she started training, there was no turning back. She would always come home for holidays to visit, but five years ago when she went home to visit, she found her parents dead. She then started to train as hard as she could so she could go out on field missions the moment she turned 18.
    Personality: Nico can be really happy most of the time and can act hyper as if she were 16, but when she has work to do, she gets really serious.
    Power(s): She can talk to animals, control sound waves so that they destroy things, and can change a person’s memory so that they won’t be able to remember meeting her.

    Partner's Name: Ji Ji
    Partner's Appearance: (but solid black with blue eyes)
    Partner's Abilities: Cat-like reflexes. Can fit into small holes and can run fast.
    Partner's Power: When he scratches someone with his claws, the person instantly becomes stunned and poisoned.
    Other: He has been Nico’s cat ever since she was 12.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Lady Shiv Lecarde
    Age: Looks like: 20. Actual age: 2,354
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Cheery, and usually quite generous. She doesn't take to violence well.
    History: Shiv started her Half Moon Inn to house the travelers of this new time. Her inn is ranged in one of the top few inns around in the Witches Lagoon. When her only son was killed from exposure to the elements, she opened her first and main Half Moon Inn. Times haven't changed for her, everything is just as it was ten years ago, for she doesn't like the new technology much.
    Other: Shiv's son, Eric Lecarde's photo sits in her own room in the Inn, she rarely speaks of him for it brings back an old pain.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Gabriel
    Age: Looks: 19 Actual age: 8,560
    Gender: Takes the form of male
    Personality: harsh, rule-striken and cold. He cares not to pretend much that he feels things.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Alice
    Age: Looks 20ish, is 1,000
    Gender: Takes the form of a female
    Personality: Strives to learn all she can and be helpful. Isn't prone to fighting.
    Appearance: (will edit tomorrow)
    Other: Relatively young for angels and only recently been exposed to humans. Doesn't know all there is to know about her own kind let alone others.

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Matthew
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Varies between lazy and insane
    Appearance: Dark, messy hair, slightly aged face, grey eyes, wears a business suit at all times.
    Other: Spoke of his master as the one who started the whole mess. Details about both of these people are sketchy at best.

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Vanessa
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Fun loving, open-minded person. She tries to be the best she can be and struggles often at varies things.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Her parents were well known witches, but she was born without any magical powers at all. She was disowned for this and was taken in by the inn's owner at a young age. Since she cannot do magic she uses orbs which are made by the inn keeper and others and allows her to perform various spells.
    Other: N/A

    ps. my other rp "The Cold Consumes All" is not dead, I am just waiting on people to post there and someone to send me their profile. That's all. If they take too long then I shall just go ahead and post.
  2. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Username: Program
    Name: Ange,Mendo
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Bio: Ange lived with her uncle, her parents dieing in a car accident; she and her uncle were happy together, considering one another siblings. The day made her tense, and awkward. Seeing the man with the gun didn't help either. She woke up and found herself alone in the classroom, and went around looking for people she knew. After a awhile, talking to some other people and looking at the recent news, she concluded she was in some future of earth. Now she is looking for someone to befriend, scared and alone.
    Personality: Shes usually shy and timid, but once gets to warm up to you (Usually fast) she'll loosen up. Shes quite random, and sometimes takes things to far. She s sensitive and cries easily, but tries to hide it(Doesn't do a too good job). She does in her best in anything, but sometimes its not so good.
    Powers: Whatever she draws can come to life(Takes a lot of energy out of her). She can enter a dream state where she falls asleep and enters other's minds(Sometimes she can do it awake, but she must concentrate hard.). And control over earth(Dirt,ground. what ever you want to call it.)
    Color: Dark green.
    Other: Carries a old,brown messenger bag, with Misc. things.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Terra
    Name: Risit Grey
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Bio: Risit was someone who often kept to himself except when a situation required he had to communicate with others. It wasn't that he didn't like other people it was just that he never found anyone he cared to be around for very long. As for the rest of his life, he found it so dull that he's intent on never bringing up the past as he does not even miss it. The only thing he mentions of his past is his experience with firearms since one of his old hobbies was to "target shoot" as he used to call it.
    Personality: Although he can easily come off as callous Risit cares only about the most important things in life. Most importantly, life itself. He often loves takes the "the moral high ground" while turning his back on it when he sees suit to break the rules. If he ever gets into a rough situation he wouldn't be afraid to play dirty to get out of it.
    Powers: Controls the realm of "movement" allowing for the use of telekinesis, teleportation, and energy projection. The latter of the powers being the ability to push the life force out of the body into a violent burst of energy proportional to the amount of strength put behind it. Obviously, it would tire Risit very quickly.
    Color: Light Silver (Nearly white)
    Other: N/A
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Both of you are in. Waiting for a few more people before starting.
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: Master of keyblades
    Name: Sora
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Bio: A loner, outcast, these are some of the names use to descripe sora but if someone he care about is in trouble he is the first one to help
    Personality: Not many people can see it but sora has a good heart
    Powers: Control of lighting,Flight,Weapon summoning
    Color: Azure
    Other: N/A
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Forgot your username and the picture did not work. Fix those two things then you are accepted.

    Before we begin I would like everyone to check out the OOC Thread here and think about a path. You do not have to choose one yet though.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Username: Mindight Star
    Name: Abby Moon
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Bio: Abby has never been a popular girl and has been bullied, she usually just tagged along with people but never really belong in a group with them. She'd try hard to be friends with everybody, a strategy that has backfired before, causing to get caught in the middle of arguments. She has always been hardworking and well behaved in school, and had a good family at home, though now she cannot remember her life before.
    Personality: She is hard working and determined, and has an optemistic veiw of things. She does not like fighting, avoiding it where possible but will do what ever it takes to protect her friends. She longs to belong and once she's made friends, she will work hard to keep them.
    Powers: Invisibility, super speed and the ability to mimic things she sees other people do (Not including powers)
    Color: Purple
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Username: AndrewTemari101
    Name: Alex Tempesta (meaning "strom" in Italian)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Bio: Alex was a very popular boy. He was the kid that the girls wanted to date and the unpopular boys wanted to be. He was always surrounded by his loving family. However, his mother became gravely ill with an unknown and uncureable disease when he was nine. She soon died afterwards. Because of this, his father became depressed and started to drink. This caused him to think irrationally and he attacked Alex often. This taught him to defend for himself. Soon enough, his father was arrested for driving "under the influence" and causing a massive accident on the highway. He was sentenced to 10 years for each person that died (which was 8 people). This happened when he was fourteen. Alex now had to make his own breakfast, do his own laundry, etc. Soon enough, he had to get three jobs and pay mortgage for the house. Because he didn't have enough money, he sold the house, took his very personal belongings, and moved into a cheap apartment.
    Personality: Alex is very sweet and kind to everyone he meets. He never let his popularity get to his head, he would even hang out with unpopular kids to try and "up" their status. After the terrible events that occured in his life, he learned self-defense, responsibility, and perseverance. Because of the events, he also will protect his friends at any cost, even with his life. He doesn't want to lose them like he lost his family. He doesn't like to be lonely as well. However, Alex always acts kind, optimistic, and friendly to mask the sadness he feels inside.
    Powers: (His powers will be wind-oriented, in order of power from least to greatest.)
    • Gale Gust- Basically sends a strong force of wind at an enemy (this is the power that he only knows and is quite good at).
    • Spherical Wind- Creates a sphere of wind around his body about 72 inches (or 6 feet) that can be used as protection. He can also release the sphere to send wind rushing 360 degrees around his body to blow back enemies.
    • Tornado Spin- Spins rapidly, almost like a top, and slices the targeted enemy with razor-sharp wind gusts. However, each cut will only cause a small wound and lasts for about 20 seconds.
    Color: Orange
    Other: He loves animals, pasta, and video games. :3

    Also, sorry for the really cliche bio. My brain is pooped. >.>
  9. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Username: Twilight Knight
    Name: Claudio Krähe
    Age: 17
    Bio: Claudio was an exchange student from Germany. He was one of those boys that had people swarming over him asking what it was like there. He lives alone in a house is father payed for. Still learning English, he has trouble interacting with other people because of language barriers. He was never bullied because his strong and angry demeanor threw most people off. He only has a year left before he goes back to his home of Germany. Now he tries to make the most of this strange land.
    Personality: Claudio is strong willed and is easily ticked off. He tries not to let his anger get the best of him. His anger activates his powers. Although, under his strong demeanor he strongly cares for his friends and will do anything to protect them.
    Powers: Intangibility/Invisibility/Able to release huge blasts of energy. (Not able to control this power yet. It is much too powerful for him to handle.
    Color: Bright green
    Other: N/A
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Samantha (Sam) Rivers
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Bio: Sam lived as a normal girl for a while until her mother fell ill and into a comatose state. Her father couldn't stand living alone even though Sam was there. Isolating himself, he left Sam to raise herself with her military leader uncle. Raised as a child of war, Sam had began to rebel against her Uncle's word. Though he never lost his temper with her as her father had. When the other soldiers gave the traditional thumbs-up sign for when they were ready, she gave a thumbs-down as a sign that she was independent. School was never easy for a military child, and she kept herself isolated from the other students.
    Personality: Quiet, strong-willed, cautious and kind-hearted.
    Plasma Beam: a beam of pure energy that comes from her hands.
    Corruption: a stronger version of the Plasma Beam but may also inflict a lasting damage like a parasite that eats away at the host.

    Color: [The color their character's eyes change to in their 'Hyper State' or use their powers.] Bright Blue
    Other: Sam often talks to herself and is never afraid to throw herself into a fight.
  11. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Username: Feenie
    Name: Cole MacGrath
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Appearance: (Just imagine him a bit younger looking)
    Bio: Cole had been living with his parents before that one fateful day. They were and extremely happy family, and Cole had just started to make some friends. But then that day filled with dread came along, he felt very uneasy as soon as he entered the school's playground and was almost physically sick when he saw the man with the gun strut into his class. Now, a week after that day, Cole is trying to figure out what happened, and is also trying to find some friends.
    Personality: Is usually quite the happy chappy, and is usually a bit devilish, he is as reckless as they come.
    Powers: Lightning bolts - Simple, as the name suggests, he can fire an infinite amount of reasonably weak bolts of electricity.
    Shockwave - Again, as the name suggests, Cole can blast a limited amount of shock waves. (He must recharge by draining an electrical source
    Lightning Storm - Cole can call down an extremely powerful stream of electricity that will run him dry of power and drain him of energy.
    (He can only use his first power just now.)

    Color: Dark Red.
    Other: Wears a yellow back pack at all times, the colour of his electricity changes from blue to red depending on his mood.
  12. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2009
    Username: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl
    Name: Rachel Grace
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Bio: Rachel had a pretty normal life before the man with the gun. She had a loving family and a nice house. That all changed. Now she is in a classroom, having trouble remembering her parents' names. She is alone with no proof that anyone would find her. All she wants is to find someone else and learn more about the Sectors and subdivisions.
    Personality: Outgoing but keeps to herself a lot. She makes friends fast. Would run away from a fight but would help if she has to.
    Powers: Water, Lightning/Thunder, and Wind.
    Color: Rose Red
    Other: N/A
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    I like it. Nice profile~


    You're in.

    One color per person. I suggest dark red as there is already a bright blue. The lighting can change color though, that is okay. Change the color and then you're in.

    Everything was the same but different at the same time. On the surface New York City looked the same but everyone acted differently, and subtle things proved that it was a different time everywhere she looked. Abbey twirled her dark red hair slightly as she looked through the apartment window, leaning against the wall. Today was her last day in the city, as her passport would be presented to her very early tomorrow morning. How would the outside world be like? Probably a lot different then this city- er, subdivision. Most news channels were local, but the two gobal news reports she's seen gave clear images of another world entirely.

    Abbey looked up towards the skies. It was mostly clear, but the clouds were steadily growing thick and dark. Surely it would be raining before nightfall.

    ooc - tried to post sooner but was disconnected by my mom. Sorry about that. Adding everyone's profiles in now. Will have a better post once everyone else has post. KH girl is in too. Posted while I was posting...
  14. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    Ange looked up to the coming clouds, they looked like smoke to her. She zippered up her jacket, and readied for the rain she thought would come with the clouds. She was there for a while now, and had already found someone to make her a passport. She didn't want it, but needed it. She didn't even mean to find the guy, she had just bumped into him on the run and promised to make her one if she didn't spill he was there. Good luck, not a good sign.
    He told her to go there in there afternoon of tomorrow, having other clients. She was walking back to her small apartment with one of her friends, who was one of the other clients. Ange was to shy to go to the man with her roomy, and was actually glad the man had bumped into her-even though she knew her good luck would come back to bite her later-.
    She finally came to her apartment, standing there, wanting to enjoy the clear sky until the clouds came in and the rain fell.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Sam sat there on the street. Her family...gone...any record of her...gone. Her head hurt. Gripping her passport tightly in her hands under her coat, she sighed and dropped her head onto her knees. She'd run into a guy who'd made it for her a few days back. Having recieved it yesterday, she didn't really know what to do with herself. Glancing up, she noticed the clouds gathering and would have to hide herself away sooner or later. She'd nabbed a temporary apartment a few blocks into the subdivision. 'Subdivision' a strange word to Sam, but she'd accepted it as her Uncle had called a lot of things subdivisions.
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    OOC: Please may I change my chara's name to Amy to avoid confusion with two Abbys? Sorry, I should of noticed your chara was already called that.

    BIC: Amy sighed, looking across the street. Everything seemed so wrong, it didn't make sense to her. At first it looked the same but loooking closer it wasn't. She shook her head, glancing at the passport she'd got a few hours ago. She disliked it but she knew that she'd need it, that she should be thankful that she'd run into the man who'd made it for her. But still something about everything just did not sit right with her. She shook her head, she should worry about this now, the weather was getting gloomier and she wasn't looking forward to getting wet.
  17. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Cole sighed as he made his way down an unfamiliar street, kicking a small, knobbly pebble away from his as he trudged on, hands buried in his jean pockets. He clutched his newly acquired passport, wondering what his first step would be now that he had obtained some solid ID. He looked up to see if there was anyone around in the area, anyone looking as lost as he was.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Sora looked up at the sky, the gloominess of the clouds match his mood. He had no recollection of anything but his name.He took one more look at his passport and walk off, even if the rain had caught up to him it wouldn't bother him.
  19. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2009
    "Stupid man spelled my name wrong," Rachel said to herself as she looked at her passport. "I told him my name is spelled R-a-c-h-E-l. No 'A' after the 'E.' He must've forgotten." She thought about going back to the man and asking if he would change it but decided against it when she saw how dark the clouds looked. "I guess I'll have to talk to him about how he spelled my name wrong tomorrow," she said as she started walking to the abandoned apartment she found near what used to be called Central Park, New York City. The abandoned apartment's location surprised her. It was in what used to be called New York City and it was near the park, which was very popular for tourists during the winter at least ten years ago. She took the apartment as a sign. A sign that everything has changed, for better or for worse...
  20. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - It's okay; I edited your name. And KH have no idea how happy I was to see my rp linked in your sig XD

    Abbey saw her friend from outside the window and rushed out to greet her, grabbing her white jacket and pushing her arms in it on the way out. She ran down the cement stairs and slowed down before she ended up crashing into Ange. "Hey. So-" She cut herself off upon seeing some police walking down the street on the other side. Realizing that her mouth was still hanging open she closed it and turned around so she could speak without anyone reading her lips. "These cops... I've seen them before. Everyone knows illegal supernatural people like us live here but they don't really do anything about it... They do however. Racist jerks..." She trailed off and looked over her shoulder. Just the other day a riot was nearly started when one of those cops punched a man. If he wasn't wise enough to step back and hold off his friends then the entire place might of burned down. Has anything really changed? She shook her head and looked up. "It's about to rain, but I don't think I want to stick around here... " She giggled nervously, worried that she was once again talking too much.

    ooc - they could recongize each other, seeing how they all seem to be in the same place. Feel free to bump into one another, inculding me.
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