I don't know what's going. It randomly went out twice today, and both times I had to manually reset it, because it wouldn't reset. This happened a few months ago, too, and when our ISP fixed it, they said it wasn't the modem, it was some numbers somewhere that were wrong, but now I'm thinking that it was also a combination of the modem. Thoughts? What happens is the DSL and Tx / Rx (Send / Receive) lights just go off and the DSL light blinks while resetting itself, which works, but I do it manually and just leave the modem off for a few minutes, because if it does it itself, it takes a longer amount of time.
Woah 6 guests here O.o Common problem I suppose. That is probably the ISP's fault. I know from personal experience that most times if the router is messed up it's the ISP. First try to contact them about it, and if they don't fix it then you can ask here again.
I made a thread over on the SEGA forums when it was doing the same thing a few months ago. Unfortunately, the forums are still down, so I can't check to see how old I said the modem was. I think it's roughly two years old. I, however, do know that it's the same one we got from when we first switched over to Fairpoint Communications.
Well, the problem is still going on, so I am bumping this. It's happened about six times today. My mom is going to call the ISP, but I don't know what else it could be. The only thing I can think of is that it's the modem, which I guess would make sense, since it's 2 or so years old.
Where did you purches the modem? Because if you got it from a company like comcast (and I'm just guessing this not entirly sure if this is the case...then it might be a problem with comcasts internet connection, reason I'm asking is because I've had a similar problem where both our modems shut down but it was a problem with comcast:/
Home networking equipment, especially the lower end stuff, sometimes just isn't made to last. Things get outdated so quickly in the technology world that it doesn't really make sense for companies to make, say, a modem last for ten years when you know it will be outdated in three. It's probably just as simple as having it replaced.
That's what I figured. I've just gotta wait for my mom to call them, but she's been busy with work and is always tired when I go to pick her up.
I've had the same problem for months with our ISP. We use Charter Communications here, and several times a week both phone and internet both just go down. We used to think it was due to the weather, especially when it rained, but when it started happening when it was bright and sunny out we started to question the modem. They've "fixed" it 5 times and we still have issues. We're debating going back to our old DSL provider (this new thing is supposedly faster than DSL, but not FiOs) just so we don't have to put up with this. With two of us that work both in office and at home, and a third who's starting community college in a week and will have online coursework, this just isn't working out. tl;dr, I'm in the same boat as you and feel your pain.
We're using Fairpoint for both Internet and telephone. Luckily, our phone line doesn't go out when this happens. I know that sometime last year both the phone and Internet went out, but that was due to some connectors outside burning out. Yeah, though. It's annoying.
Just a small update here. It's only gone out a few times since I last posted. However, I've noticed an overall drop in loading speed across all sites I visit, which, of course, includes my forums. It's not slow-slow, but, usually, when I went to my profile, it would take about a millisecond; now, it takes about 5 or more seconds. It's still most likely the modem, though. Here's a speed test, if it helps: EDIT: Just to clarify: The user profile example was just that -- an example. All pages are slower than usual on loading like user profiles. EDIT 2: The slowness isn't all of the time, but it is the majority of the time.