I was in Spain during the summer, on holiday. I was out one night, and slightly intoxicated. Not to the point of total oblivion, may I add, but still very merry nonetheless. A man approached me, he was formally dressed and had previously commented on how I looked nice that night. After talking, and informing me he worked for an agency in Manchester, England (I live about 2 hours away from there) for Attitude Clothing. I love that clothes Magazine. He asked if I was interested in going for an interview with them. As soon as my Mum heard this, she started protesting and claiming that I will change as a person if I go into modelling. I suppose what happened made me thing about modelling, and if the profession would change a person. I’m talking about eating habits, vanity, and self worth etc. What do you guys think?
I don't know. Sometimes people try to scam you into modeling and then you pay the money. And then you get jipped. So I think you should do a background check before you decide to do modeling.
I think the best choice would be a kind of probation period. Model for a week, or something like that, and if you like it, then you can tell your mom that you've made your choice and will do it. Don't let her pressure you to force you to not achieve what you want :)
Modeling has the potential to change people who are fundamentally weak in the mind as a person. But if you are mentally stable and are secure in who you are, you should be fine. You should probably respect your mothers wishes though. If anything I'd just explain your situation to her, and if she can't see it, then do it anyway if you really want. But if she really doesn't want you to do it and she does understand the situation, you should probably just be a good kid and stay away from it. Thats just my opinion though. Do what ya want. And congratulations ;)
If they charge you, then it's fake. If they don't, then take it if you want to. A once in a lifetime oppurtunity doesn't come very often.
First, a congratulations on getting the offer. :3 Second, this is a very good topic. Now, going into modeling can sometimes change a person, however, it ultimately depends on the person him/herself whether they allow themselves to be changed by it or not. With modeling comes a lot of work of course, since it is not always about taking smiley picture with the products being advertised and looking all sexy-like. The model must always look sharp, stay in shape and if the model can achieve a high status in the industry, then of course setting an example to the rest of the future models. Eating habits, vanity, and questions of self worth will only come into one's life if he allows it themselves. It's not always necessary for a model to smoke a cigarette and go on a strict diet so he can stay a size 0. It is all about being able to maintain a healthy diet and keep up a good exercise where you can still look healthy and lovely. Skin and bones is just not pretty. Many perceive that with modeling comes anorexia and other such disorders or addictions to drugs and alcohol and it's true that the media shows nothing more than just the negatives of show business and the modeling industry. However, it does not mean that the said model too has to follow the same patterns of those who are shown off on televisions with the next breaking news of who just got a DUI. As for vanity and self worth, there's no question of it if one does not let it bother them. One should recognize that just because their looks are being used to sell a product, it does not mean the world revolves around them, and as far as the physical beauty goes, it will decay slowly. Ego will build up as time goes by, but if one can keep themselves in check at all times, then modeling can be fun. It's all about self control. No one should melt and turn into goo if someone called you pretty or beautiful. It's a privilege to have been called pretty, and it would be a shame to ruin that with one's ego and vanity. Ultimately, it's just up to the person themselves. Some will stray and fall right into the hands of vanity, disorders and world of media, while others can choose to hold onto their dignity and just enjoy the ride while it lasts. It's a CHOICE of a person that will decide their fate, ego and self worth.
You know they say these things a lot so those bad people can abuse you and stuff ;\ You should be careful.
I personally don't find much respect in the professian. Modelling reminds me a lot of english football players. Payed alot, but don't do much but 'trying' to look pretty. Still I do think that it can be a great field to work in, it's a form of art, and I love art. But anyway, to the ponit. If you've got anything else going good for you job wise or education wise, don't bother wasting your time with this. I've a friend who did do some modelling during this summer, but still after the initial photo shoot and havig the portfolio and everything, nothing else has gone great for her. I'm gonna guess your around 20 years, and most likely in education. And if so then just stick with it, modelling is either a career you soar in or never get anyway with. And yeah it can get you to go extreme on apperance both extreme slimming and narcissitic issues which aren't aooealing features fo rmany people. Still, you want to do it. Do it. Just have a safety net incase you don't do to well. Oh, and congrats! ^^
Depends on the degree of modeling. If it's light modeling (every so often for clothing and what not) then I doubt it will change you. You might feel SOME vanity and what not, but I doubt you'd change you that much in that sense either. It isn't like you're on a reality TV show, or you're a major magazine model. OR is it like you're doing playboy. That's just the way I see it.