Since I've last been on this forum, I'm pretty confident that this isn't breaking any rules. As for the section, if there is a better one, then sorry for the misplacement. Regardless, I kinda decided to make the thread to spread word about a Pokemon game that I'm staff on. It's a roleplaying game in the Pokemon universe of course, and I was kinda hoping to reach out to other players to see if anyone would be interested. It's pretty fun stuff, offers some amazing RP once you really get in on things, and the plot lines vary from time to time, but usually come out with amazing results. It's not your classic beat-em-up game though, it's got some heavy emphasis on RP. A lot of it is player run including gym leaders, professors, and other ranks (SS Anne owner, etc). If anyone wants any info on it, this link should tell all. And of course, it's free. I godda say though, it's a pretty badass game. A lot to it.