I've never posted anything here before :3 There was condensation on the car window, it was dark, and the street light was shining through.. so I thought 8D Drawing time! Oh snap, there's the photo :3 This is for fun btw, Im not serious or anything >.>
wow that's still really awesome! when i first caught a glimpse of it i thought it was some fire thing o.o
thats a cool photo i like it and the first time i looked at it looked so professional like something you put on a very expensive postcard...
I can tell you were bored. XDDD Nice hearts though and good shot! O.O I don't think my camera can do that.
Aha, all you people who think they couldnt take this, this was done on my mobile phone then passed on to a phone which is about ten years old so I could upload it xD That explains the slight bluriness. And its blurry, Sho, because it was taken at night and its misty O: