I'm putting this here since this is happening right now, and it doesn't seem like Spam Zone is right for this. There's a girl who's gone missing from Bosch Bahai school after coming back from a trip yesterday. Apparently she went to her cabin to sleep because she wasn't feeling well, and when one of her cabin-mates went back to the cabin, she was gone. The administrators called the police and now SAR and a bunch of the Santa Cruz Police are over here looking for here. They've got search parties all out in the forest, and they've been looking for her since 8PM last night. It was raining a lot last night, so I don't know if that would make it more difficult, but if they haven't found her yet, I wonder what might have happened to her.
That's pretty creepy once you think about it. Either she went sleep walking or someone kidnap her while she's napping. slenderman maybe? Yes I do wonder what happened to her as well.
I'm pretty sure that things like this happen more often than we are aware of, as tragic as it is. Honestly I have no hypothesis as to what has become of her, however I do hope they can find her fine and well.
There are a variety of possibilities as to what could have happened to her. There's not a lot to go on so there's no real way of telling what happened. It's horrible that she's gone missing and I hope they find her soon and bring her back safe.
Well, they ended up finding her, oddly enough just a little after I posted this. They found her quite a ways off of the camp. There's a path that goes through the forest to the beach, and they found her near a cliff that was off of that path a little bit.
I don't know, I didn't ask. All I know was that they found her at around 11:30 or so, and the SAR held her for a little while to make sure everything was alright
well it's nice she was i am supposing unharmed and hope her and her family enjoy a nice (insert generic politically correct greeting here)
Holy ****. Where are the security on the campus when you need them? I mean--girls don't disappear out of thin air. She probably was kidnapped. I hope they find her.