I was introduced to this band by a friend months ago from their cover of Savage's 'Swing', and I've now been into this band for a while now and their CD finally came out which I'm totally digging. Anyone else here listen to them? They have one of the coolest album covers ever. http://www.myspace.com/missmayi
I adore the music, it is really rather delicious. I love the vocals when singing. However I do not like the screamy bits quite so much. Not Our Tomorrow is ruined because of them IMO. I quite like A Dance With Aera Cura. Architect I cannot stand. It sounded like a bunch of gremlins got hold of the microphones. Same with Swing. I would like to hear something without as much vocal chord destroying. I think A Dance With Aera Cura is my favourite of the ones on their MySpace. I have to admit though, they are pretty impressive in terms of what they can do vocally.