It's been awhile since this demo was released. I downloaded it and thought it was pretty fun(reminded me a little of Prince of Persia because of the wall running but this game is just...VERY DIFFERENT from any game I've played)...I didn't unlock the time trial mode because I have yet to preorder the game but...I'm sure it would've been fun. Eh. Soo...anyone play the demo? Thoughts? And yes...running around is fun...
My friend has the accual game, he hates it because you die without fail. I have the demo but I didn't like it, I didn't even like the trailer.
I must say, it was a lot more fun that I thought it'd be (based on the demo). It's just too bad there are too many other games I would rather spend my money on. EA would've totally had my business for both Dead Space and Mirror's Edge if this month wasn't so packed with other competitive titles.
I actually really like this game, I've played it over twenty times so far. Can't wait for the actual game.
I really enjoyed the demo. I'm definately renting it. (It's a short game, and speed runs aren't my thing) I've fallen in love with the theme song, Still Alive by Lisa Miskovsky. Such a beautiful song. Dice really picked a good song.
As far as I'm concerned, Mirror's Edge has descended from heaven in a silver chariot and is going to lead us all into the promised land. Actually, that is only partly a joke. Mirror's Edge will definately pave the way for a new generation of First Person games. Too long have First Person games had characters that are just arms with guns attached. Thanks to Mirror's Edge, I think we'll start having real (well, real-ish) player characters.
ign gave the game a 7.5 which is not good...but not bad either. I'm on the fence about the game personally so I might just rent it.