Seems weird to reboot a series that has only one game... As someone who has yet to play the first game, I'm okay with DICE redoing it, but I feel bad for fans who might have been expecting a sequel. Granted, I don't know if it ended with potential for one.
Bumping this because I am so excited. When they first announced Catalyst as a prequel, I wasn't a huge fan. After seeing the E3 trailer/demo/whatever, I have to say I'm pretty stoked. The free running will actually be "free" across the city, instead of having a constricted path, and I think the removal of gun use is an awesome idea. You're supposed to a character who is against the current government and the way they control the public. I think somewhere in the original game they mention that they disarm only, but then Faith can go and shoot someone in the face with their shotgun. Not to mention one or two levels made it pretty hard, especially on the tougher difficulties or time trials, to go without actually shooting someone. Just like the restricted paths you were kind of forced into it. I'm really hoping this game isn't delayed anymore and comes out next year, if they manage to keep most of their promises, then it should be worth the money and the wait.