In 1980 with the USSR steamrolling over the competitors for gold medals in hockey for 16 years, a U.S. hockey team full of amateurs and college students with zero chance of winning made it to the semi-finals for the gold medal and battled against Russia for a chance to compete for the gold. Against impossible odds and a team ten days before the games started that slaughtered the U.S. 10-3, the U.S. beat the USSR 4-3 and carried on to win the gold medal. To put this in perspective, this Russian team in a sport where only amateurs can compete in the Olympics at the time, found a loophole for the army team of professional players, and since it was communism, didn't get paid, who slaughtered the NHL recently in a three game play off on U.S. soil. The movie "Miracle" is a very accurate replay of the said Olympics, going from a brutal coach who united a team by making them hate him, to a group of college kids looking for their first paycheck after the games. To a goalie who lost his mother a few years before the games and never really recovered until the games. It's a fantastic movie and shows not only how hard it was for them to pull themselves to the level where they beat the USSR, but the respect of the nation.