I've actually made a previous thread for this band that died. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?72938-Mindless-Self-Indulengence My obsession for them has not ceased from then and has in fact grown. Mindless Self Indulgence is an electro-punk band formed by two brothers in New York. Since then the lead singer James Euringer(Jimmy Urine) has been lead singer of the band and I believe the one of the only people that hasn't left the band throughout the years. I found more people liked this band(or heard of them) more around New York and New Jersey but when I moved to California not many people liked them. Mostly because of their provocative, and suggestive music. In my opinion I enjoy their older music to their newer music. They are worth a listen to if you're feeling upset, angry or just in a foul mood. I find it too hard to recommend just songs but my favorites are on the same albums. Recommended Albums Frankenstein Girls Seem Strangely Sexy You'll Rebel Against Anything(Japanese Version) Another Mindless Rip-Off I also recommend uncensored versions of their music. Censored ruins the music for me. What are your thoughts on this band and favorite songs?