Mind Games

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by -Xero-, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. -Xero- Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 9, 2009
    probably playing genshin
    It seems like whenever I get into a relationship, I always play these little mind games with myself... Like I would think that my boyfriend is doing something that he really isn't doing. I've always been doing that and I don't know why.
    My friend says that it's probably because I've been hurt before. For example: I've been toyed with, lied to, and dumped soon after. I do think it's somewhat because of those experiences I've had before but at the same time I think it's something else other than that...
    I always seem to do this when I get into a relationship and it's driving me crazy, no joke. I stress myself out over these mind games and this whole chain reaction happens and it's just very stressful...
  2. longn4 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 8, 2011
    Then learn to say "no" to those mind games. I know i sounds to simple to be any good, but its basic cognitve-behavorial therapy. I ain't telling ya to be in complete denial, just whenever you get those thoughts take a deep breath, step back and look at the situation as objectively as possible. Is there any evidence? any motivation? and similar experiences with this person in the past?
  3. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    This. I know that feeling of second guessing. But as Long said, if you stop, and think logically and have trust in your partner, it'll all work out some how.

    As I know it, a relationship requires communication and trust. And without these things, how can one expect to keep that relationship going?

    Man, maybe I should give this speech to my parents...
  4. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    This is pretty common.
    When you've been hurt in the past, you'll begin to suspect that these things are going to happen to you.
    Just make sure you remind yourself that these are MIND games. It's all in your head, not reality.