Digital Art Might as well post this here too... I guess...

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Jade, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Jade Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 5, 2010
    Hey... It's uhh... been a while! XD

    So April is my fifth month and as each month comes to an end I like to make a tagwall just to see stuff side by side in chronological order. A couple of these are fug... D:


    Lulz... Lady Gaga...

    My tag count isn't as impressive this month... D:
  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Lady GaGa... <3

    Tags...Ehm... </3

    You've got a good basis down on what to do and all, but the tags lack in a lot assembly. Some just look really messy, and some have way too much stuff going on without any sort of flow.

    You have good smudging, but that alone doesn't really make a tag good. It seems some are too simple and in need of more, or some have too much.

    I want to at least point out some things about every tag.

    Tag 1: Nice smudge of the light textures(If I'm not mistaken). The blending is nice, but she herself doesn't really blend into the whole background. The dotted square doesn't speak to me.

    Tag 2: I like the simple/ commercial look of this one, but I don't really love it. You gave some depth with the light textures, and the effect, but the lighting is a bit too distracting around her chest.

    Tag 3 & 4: Nice flow. But they still seem like unfinished. Try to add text into the whole blend. And use other brushes, the liquify filter can work wonders.

    Tag 5: The face there is just really...bad. Plus, too much lights. Though this is a very good attempt at something unusual.

    Tag 6: Seems like photomanip, but the whole focal isn't even all that recognizable. to me this one is really bad.

    Tag 7: I like how you worked with lights. It's really good, and simple, though the color of the thing around her hands isn't killing me. This one I liked the most.

    Tag 8: The best one. Though, you should take it easy with the lighting effects, they are a bit of a bother, specially those points close to her chin. The white in her shades is a bit too strong, too.

    You're quite good, but these tags...Well, they don't seem to be your best. I've seen your other works, and these aren't as good.
  3. Jade Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 5, 2010
    Thank you for that crit. I can agree with you on a lot of what you said. There are a couple things I don't agree on but I guess it's all about give and take.

    Either way, thank you. =)