I am pretty shocked and angry that this happened. I can't believe someone did this, course, we have the console wars coming up, and I still remember the PS3 where they sold only 3 consoles per store at the release and someone broke their jaw crashing into a solid steel pole in a stampede for a PS3. A good news update: A friend of his gave him his game, then Gamestop gave him a Limited Edition for free and someone else gave him a bus pass. I am happy it did work out, the couple who attacked him were arrested for the assault.
If the attackers were so eager to get it, why won't they pre-order? Anyways, This isn't news to me, I've heard about some cases that are related to video games. But I'm happy that they showed proper treatment for the handicapped man.
Not sure I'd be too happy about the game thing ... I'm happy the criminals are in custody and the guy is okay. After all the whole thing was started over a game. You think you'd look at the game and have zero interest in it after something like this, but meh. It's sad to see society turning to **** .... more than it already is over something as insignificant as a video game. I like gaming as much as the next guy ... I'm not willing to injure or kill someone over it.