Ok, again, I'm asking more of a question but i'm only asking anyone that knows, than at the end i'm starting a discussion. Multiple Personalities, as far as I know about it's like more than one brain living in a body. But I would like to know more about it without the cr@p science talk. What are the symptons? Is it dangerous to the person or anyone the person knows? Is there anyway scientifically, (god help me) like drugs or medication to stop the symptons? Ok the question for anyone who wants to add their own personal opinion. Socially, people with disabilities in general are either sympathised over or shunned, and sometimes accepted like any other normal person. Mental disorders in particular can halt social interaction for a number of reasons. Is having a disorder a negative thing?
I think multiple personalities are an aspect of schizophrenia (not completely sure), which is definitely treatable with medication. I don't think mental disorders are a bad thing. After all, it isn't someone's fault if they're unwell. People with mental illness are stigmatised to a certain degree in society.
I believe I have either Multiple personalities too or I am Bi-Polar....Mostly Bi-Polar because my mood changes rather quickly, then again I do sometimes have a different personality And I dont think having a Mental Dissorder is dangerous for anyone around you, I mean if you have...Like a a mean streak or something and you get into a fight with a friends it might hurt them but apologizing and such....>.> Im not sure, maybe if the 'other side' of you is crazy, you might harm someone? Also, I dont think having Mental illness is a bad thing, nothing is wrong with it and its not your fault. So, I dont see what is wrong with having this.
Multiple Personality Disorder is not schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is commonly mistaken for MPD. Schizophrenia basically is hearing voices in your mind that seem to come from outside of your mind or are different from your own and they seem very vivid. This is different in that the person 'in charge' is always the person who is normally there but they feel someone may be talking to them etc. Also schizophrenia is a very serious condition as it is actually causing brain damage, so it is not merely some disorder. Traumatic stress with schizophrenia such as child abuse and being treated very poorly, has been known to make some of the world's worst serial killers. A deadly combo. Most schizophrenia patients will not go that far, of course, but that is to show how demented and brain damaged these people can get. Schizophrenia is able to be helped by medications and therapy. Bipolar deals with severe mood changes which can be nasty too but this may help you differentiate more. Dissociative Identity Disorder is what it is called today rather than Multiple Personality Disorder. Hopefully what I said above wasn't too scientific and I will try to also explain this one. Basically a person has more than one personality within. These additional personalities are known as 'alters' for 'alternate' personalities. A personality as defined is not just like another soul or something. It's the brain developing these personalities for reasons I'll explain below. Most of the time 'alters' will come out when someone is stressed and under a certain type of condition where that alter may work out better than the original personality and the original personality just wants far away from it. Sometimes to Often, people with MPD do not recall what events an alternate personality has done and some weird characteristics exhibited by alters has been different behaviors, different reactions to the same circumstances, mannerisms alter, morals or ethics change, sexual orientation can change, vision impairment such as blurriness in some alters, how good someone is at physical activities can be unique and even allergies. Some symptoms: - People with this tend to have on average 10 personalities though there can be 2 or up to 100. - Have amnesia, not recalling people, places or time loss that is unexplainable. - The personality of the person is very different to include behavior, mannerisms and even physical skill. - Many are depressed, sometimes suicidal, and some are into self-mutilation. - Some have vision or hearing hallucinations, seeing or hearing what is not really there. - Some have a lot of trouble in school and conduct as children because at one moment they may be fine and an alter comes out and yeah... not always so great. - In stressful situations especially, alternate personalities are common to step forth. Multiple personalities can show up in a person generally around age 6 though it sometimes can be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. Usually this can be told more what it is when the child is a teenager because the distinctions are more solid. Why it happens? DID patients often seem to have a history of some sexual or physical abuse to include rape, molestation, bullying, parents beating on them etc and high stress scenarios that are hard to cope with. Most patients with DID are female. There is speculation that people who are abused may develop these personalities by trying to disassociate themselves from the abusive situation and try placing 'someone else' in it instead, which is an alter. There is also some evidence that suggests there is damage to the brain possibly caused by abuse and this paired with the desire to get a way out of a situation may be the cause. For treatment, therapists have to see the patients for some time, years really, and work on hypnosis therapies, as well as trying to get points where they can talk to these alters, and try to help the person get back to normal and whole, unifying the personalities and helping to stop any that may actually be pretty violent. The goal in the end is to help the person unite the personalities so that he/she can be whole again and have a better life. The treatment seems in most cases to be pretty successful though of course recessions can occur if things turn bad in the person's life possibly. As for are disorders bad... In circumstances, yes they can be. However in others, no they aren't. I would bet anymore though that there isn't a person alive that could not be said to have at least 1 Disorder so I certainly would not be judgmental about others with mental conditions unless I feel that individual is a danger in some way. I hope this helped. I went through my psyche book and put it all in better easier to understand terms so be happy!
You are definitely not the only one who says it and no need to apologize. :) Both mental issues have been constantly used as referring to the same condition and I was very shocked to hear they weren't the same when even television shows would call MPD as schizophrenia. It's a very common mistake.
I appreciate it greatly, very thorough and well put together without so much of scientifical terms confusing someone. More disturbing is that I have pretty much all of them, aprat from the amnesia. -_-' Meh, atleast I know I have a disorder, even if i'm not a qualified psycologist, it's obvious I have some mental 'disorder', but whatever, good for the personal development and so on. I think that people have created (or discovered) too many mental disorders now, since most ways to treat them are by using legal drugs, and no drug is really good for you in the long run. THe more people use these drugs the more dependant they become on them, or sometimes become immune to the drug they are taking and eventually they are unable to 'deal' with it. It also seems to make people beieve they have something wrong with them, when it could be a harmless disorder, it seems more likely to make someone more depressed over something not worth mentioning.
There's a guy at my school with a mental illness and he is really sweet. he has a crush on my bestie (Diamond Angel) and he is really nice. I feel for him because everyone makes fun of his disabilities and so I think it is not necessarily bad to have a mental illness, just as long as your around the right people.
sorry to not reply in a complete messege but what your asking is answered exactly in a movi called sibil