This is somewhat old, but I just found it a few minutes ago while browsing another forum I'm a member of and find it absolutely repulsive. How could they do this to an innocent girl? Source: Sky News Published: 4/26/2013
This... Disgusts me very much... I can't believe someone would do this... I pray that she doesn't get traumatized...
Anyway, I couldn't imagine what this poor girl went through and my prayers are with her. Luckily these men were brought to justice and the girl is... I don't want to say okay so I guess the best word to use is alive.
Dang.... At least she's alive... I'm not saying it in a bad way... I pray that her life will return back to normal...
I doubt all the time in the world could return her to a 'normal' state of mind. She's going to be scarred for the rest of her life. She was drugged and raped, alone and scared. It'd be a nice sentiment to think she could forget that all and go back to leading a normal happy life, but it's highly doubtful. This is definitely disgusting. In my personal opinion, I'd have executed all perpetrators on the spot. This is not the time nor the place for that discussion, however. So I'll just say that whatever punishment these men get is nowhere near enough. Anything they get is going to be too lenient for the crime they've committed. I hope this young girl can one day move on from these horrific events.
People like that make me wish they would b left in a locked room, with the father of the victim, and the father has a metal bat and the offender has his hands tied behind his bat. the father gets 20 mins with the offender and anything goes. thats how id want it if my daughter got put through that.
I wish I could understand what causes people to do this and I wish I could truly empathise with the victim and her family and it saddens me that I can't. I really hope that she is able to cope and gets all the support she needs to help her make the best of a horrific situation. This happens again and again and it's just terrible! This girls life has been changed forever because of the selfish ideals of these men, of course we don't know the whole story- what events have lead them to become sex offenders? I wish I knew but I don't. I pray that she'll use this situation positively in her life but of course that may not be possible.
These kinds of articles sicken me. I heard enough from India where girls are dying from rape, even children under the age of 10 being raped and now this? This is what's wrong with the world. Our government and others in First-World countries are too lenient and the most they can do against this kind of crime is "life sentence." Really? These guys only got 5-15 years! There needs to be massive punishments for rape and trafficking. The girl, thank god she's alive, is gonna be traumatized because of what happened to them over the past 4 days. She'll never look at life the same way ever again. You cannot just jail these men and be done with it. There needs to be more severe consequences, even death penalty, to make sure this kind of stuff never happens again.