
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    With the rise in technological advances the foremost computing company HardSoft becomes a worldwide operation. Knocking away all other companies and then taking over them HardSoft becomes 97% of the worlds electronics producer. While on the front they seem to be a gigantic monopoly of business they have a darker secret, an underground operation involving specially crafted USB Pens called Memories.

    With a rise in business for Hard Soft a rise in worldwide crime also went up. The news was kept quiet by HardSoft’s payments preventing Memories from becoming public. As the years progressed street thugs where able to mug even the most well known Blackbelts with ease, bank robbers could burn the locks off of vault doors without any equipment and soon all criminals became larger threats. With the police powerless the streets became no mans land for civilians under constant danger if they left their homes. It remained like this for 5 months.

    When 5 months passed people who where afraid of leaving their homes suddenly began walking the streets again. Usually, the streets where constantly noisy with thugs fighting amongst themselves but all of a sudden the noise stopped and the crime disappeared. It was known as the Doomsday Mystery. People had given up hope, believing that it was the end of the world when it all suddenly stopped. The streets where safe again and the population returned to the way it was. Although, the news constantly had reports of zombies, monsters and creatures of myth appearing alongside a vastly increasing missing peoples list.

    Some soon realised that the criminals had completely disappeared without a trace. Theories began to tie the strange news stories together, the police constantly telling civilians that it was not true. Of course, all the theories where wrong, but they where pointing at a forgotten truth.

    Different people, for whatever reason be it: curiosity, searching for someone who's missing or simply to calm the millions began investigating. When one day, they return home and find an unmarked envelope containing a strangely decorated USB Pen…

    You are someone who is investigating the mysterious and short lived rise in crime that led to thousands of people disappearing and rumours of monsters appearing. You received a strange USB Pen in the mail along with a watch size device that the USB Pen can clearly be inserted into. Upon wearing the watch and inserting the USB Pen you feel a strange surge of static run through your body and come to realise you have a supernatural power, but only when wearing the watch with the USB inserted. With this new device you return to your investigation soon discovering the name of the USB is a Memory.


    1. Forums and section rules apply. Go read them if you haven’t yet.
    2. 3 characters max so far. I will be accepting anyone who wishes to be a villain, though PM me before you join so I can make sure it works with the way I plan for this RP to go.
    3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try.
    4. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3.
    5. Do not go beyond your power.
    6. Do not control other people’s characters.
    7. I will take no bullshit this time around. I will remove you if I feel like you have damaged the RP’s direction or if you break the forum, section or my rules once. There will be no second chances.
    8. I will not be accepting everyone’s OC as I know that certain members are very easily able to ruin RP’s.
    9. I will add more rules later.

    OC Form

    Name: (First name and surname)
    Age: (nothing too young and nothing too old)
    Day Job:
    History: (Has to work with the plot, they could be curious to solve the mystery, are seeking someone who's disappeared (either killed by a monster or was a criminal who disappeared after secretly using a Memory themselves) or they could be a police officer sent to investigate, anything you can think of will do as along as it works with the plot)
    Appearance: (No emo anime pictures if your character is a detective, have the image match your character)
    Memory Name: (The name of your memory like if it gives you electric powers call it something like Electric)
    Memory Power: (Explain your powers limits, strengths and weaknesses so you’ll have less change of god modding)



    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Marcel
    Age: 24
    Day Job: Bank Vice-Manager
    History: His father was a member of the Mafia family housed in Chicago. Having been brought up by his mother he didn't care for joining the Mafia his father was apart of. When he was visiting his father one day he realised he had disappeared. Going to the Mafia boss his father worked for he asked if he had seen him or done anything to him and was informed that even the Mafia was looking for him. Leon decided to search for his father calling into his job at the bank and arranging to use his holiday time to get some time.
    Memory Name: Arms
    Memory Power: Using a wrist based driver he can insert his USB to give him the ability to summon any man-made weapon he can think of from the hand the driver is on (left hand).

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Terrance Son
    Age: 53
    Day Job: HardSoft Main Branch CEO
    History: Not much is known about Terrance's past other than his genius with machinery, being able to create a computer better than any other at the age of 12. This marked his way through history as he created many inventions and outdated all other machinery and computers by upgrading them with his own schematics. He was named a modern Leonardo Da Vinci. Over the years he created, managed and expanded his own company HardSoft into a world wide business. He created the first 15 Memories by hand and manufactured the rest with machinery. Giving 9 of the 15 to his children and most trusted executives he told them not to use them until ordered. Before he released the creation he created a prototype by hand which he got a homeless man to test by inserting it into his body, literally. The test was a success as the man gained super powers, but from observation they discovered his mental state plummet. Thus, he created watch like devices named Watch-Drivers for safe use and being able to turn on and off the powers at will by ejecting the USB. He only used the Watch-Drivers for the first 15 though. After the release of the Memories for criminals he used them as test subjects and observed a hideous side effect that took 5 months to take effect.
    Memory Name: Genesis
    Memory Power: As the first Memory it was too strong, after tweaking it over and over he managed to mould it into the most powerful Memory with control, although, he would never dare to use it without a driver fearing that it’s power would accelerate the side effects. It's powers are unknown, yet numerous under it's expansion. (I ain't gonna give the main villains power away xD)
    Other: Currently the main villain, though he's one of those guys who sits in an office scheming so he probably won't be someone the main characters meet until later on.

  2. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Username: Spike
    Name: Owen McWade
    Age: 37
    Day Job: C.I.A. Investigations Agent
    History: Owen McWade, caucasian male from Brooklyn, New York. His story began when he was assigned to overlook reports of mass increase in criminal activity. Murder without fallible reasoning, odd residues where the bodies were found, and inexplicable phenomena (meaning nothing that can legitimately be called "human" remains).
    When the "Doomsday Mystery" occured, he was told to lay off the case as crime rates involving these supposedly paranormal occurences had nearly all but diminished. However, when these "monster attacks" began to occur, the C.I.A. decided that it was best not to touch the topic until there was real confirmation over the source of these incidents.
    Dissatisfied, Owen began his own independant investigation, then one day he gets a curious package in the mail....
    Memory Name: Quickdraw
    Memory Power: For an instant of a movement, Owen is given flawless hand-to-eye coordination and reflexes. Can lead to painful muscle spasms under frequent use.
    Other: As a certified member of the C.I.A., Owen has the right to bare arms, such as his .357 Smith & Wesson Model 66 snub-nose revolver
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