
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Patsy Stone, Sep 18, 2007.

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  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Is memory the only place where we truely exist? I mean, if I died and was forgotten I would stop existing. But through the memories of loved ones and physical memories (like a grave, or records) I live on. My achievements and failures will be noted and carried through the ages.

    But, when humanity is gone/destroyed/extinct (and yes it's going to happen people, but hopefully not for a while :P) memories will go with us. Well, when I say memories I mean complex long term memories, not the memories of animals. They are too limited to truely remember someone properly.

    Basically what I'm saying is, once we're all gone, will there be anyone/anything left to remember us so that we can live on?
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Of course not!
    Humans created history by picking up old Artifacts, estimating the age and recording it, that’s how humans can tell Earth's histories, but Earth don't need a history, be thankful their is life on this once dead rock, forget about the future of humanity, its going to go down hill, and no-one will be remembered forever, people are only remebered because of great things
    But being remebered isn't important, what’s important is that the people you'll leave behind won't mourn that your dead, but be thankful for knowing the person, I know I do, for my grand parents, I know they taught me loads of things, and I remember everything they taught me, and every time I do something they taught me I remember how happy I was to learn something off of them, just live for the now, you die tomorrow, your gonna regret not doing something good on your last day, so make everyday a bit happier, just smile!
  3. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    Well,i also think that memories make someone known,even after his death,but what really makes them able to not be forgotten is the fact that they have achieved something.But achievements isn't the only thing that makes people to remember you.It is the emotions,for example love,fear,affection that TRULY makes someone ''immortal'' in your memories.Just think of what you'd think if your parents died.You wouldn't think something great that they've done,you'll just think that you loved them a lot and it's a real pain in the *** now that they're gone.So you see,achieving stuff isn't everything in this life...
  4. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    if human kind just diappear then maybe the memory of us will just disappear, unless some new kind of human would something about us then yes will be remembered and we could 'live on'.
  5. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    after we're gone, i think we would still exist in the memories of people we knew, like if your parents or relatives died, you would still remember them.

    if humanity is extinct, there wouldnt be anything left of us but artifacts, like what we find from ancient cultures. but then again, who would be there to find them? so maybe humanity will be forgotten once its gone.
  6. true darkness Twilight Town Denizen

    maybe not, if we put all our artifacts in a sealed area which won't get destoried then maybe someone/thing later will find it and learn all about us.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I don't get exactly what you are asking. If we had existed, whether there is proof or not, we did just that. So what if no one remembers you later? That doesn't mean anything. If you are dead, why, even if you do believe in an afterlife, would you be caring if people remember you back on earth? Yes, of course you had existed. Yes, it happened and just because people don't know about something does not mean it did not occur. -You- would know.
  8. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Lol, I'm sorry for it being so confusing. It was an idea that got stuck in my head and really wanted to discuss it. But I probably should have thought it through a bit better before starting =/.

    What I was getting at (I think :P) was would your actions really matter or have a point if they aren't remembered. Really it should be taken on the larger scale of, would humanities actions really matter if when it is gone, there is no-one/nothing left to remember? If there is no evidence of the wonders and horrors of our civilisation, would any of it have mattered?

    I am making less and less sense >_>''
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Ah, gotcha now. Thanks for the clarification! I suppose, to answer this in a way from my own humble point of view because everyone will differ, that I feel that your actions do matter, whether anyone remembers them or not; whether speaking as a single person or from a humanity standpoint.

    For a single person: Think of it this way...each day we make decisions, even if they are small and mundane. They become a little more serious say if you hurt or help someone else, or an animal, or nature, or you put a dent in your wall because you are ticked off. People usually remember the great things that happen and the horrible things that happen. Those two things are the most visual to be recalled with ease. However, as time goes on, people may indeed forget things or take them for granted that you had done. However, -you- remember and even if they do not, their lives were affected by you at one point or even many times over. Sometimes it seems like people do just not want to or can't recall how you did something for them in a great time of need, but when you flub up, they sure are there to rub your face in it and can think of every time before you did something. It sucks, doesn't it? However, even if people do not remember what you had done, you have affected things around you and helped keep things progressing as they would. You are a part of the cycle of existence, and yes, that sounds lame, but we all are or well, we wouldn't be around. So, say you saved a kitten from a dog that had chased it and it could have died. Now...that kitten, perhaps you couldn't keep it so you gave it to a kid. That kid grows up with the kitten that becomes a cat. They don't recall you, but that cat gave years of happiness to that girl and that girl took great care of that cat. Maybe that cat had kittens and those kittens went on to good homes or later, the girl now knows about cat care and helps with other animals in need. Even though this is a -small- thing, you kicked it off, and you may never get the thanks for it, but you were the mover of the events that later would happen.

    As for humanity: The world will remember even if we fade with time. I think the only way all human evidence would be gone is if the world itself was demolished. Even so, we still existed, and after we are gone, I believe -something- will exist on and life will continue. If humanity wants to not just be a -forgotten- thing, it's a good idea to think about fixing our acts up. However, when we are gone, we are and as I said, unless the earth and moon were destroyed, as well as Mars, we'd leave something behind, even if these things may be minuscule. The important thing I suppose to remember ourselves is that this is real, we do exist, and when we are gone, life still will continue in some new way.

    So to wrap this up, I believe every action people do is important whether it is remembered by others or not, because we can never be assured just -how- critical those things actually are. If we knew ahead of time, we would have no need for hind sight or no mysteries to life. So live life to the fullest and make those choices count to yourself, because whether everyone else doesn't seem to notice or not, existence itself tells our tales. I'm so cryptic and tale telling this morning.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well...if the ENTIRE earth was destroyed, i would say no. but if there was some remnants like, a dead city or bones, maybe.
  11. TabbyRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Australia. It's Hot there.
    Our loved ones always exist if we remeber them. There always in our hearts.
    Just like my dead dog. He died when i was really young. he still exists, somewhere in my heart.
    I think that's why i have a way with animals:mellow::sweat:
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