I want to buy a Max memory card (64MB) by Datel for the ps2... But will i be able to save imported games on it??? is it universal like the original 8mb ps2 memory card? and where can i find it cheap??? online or offline
Not sure on your last question, but memory cards are universal. I have both NA and JP game saves on my original sony one. I'm assuming third-party memory cards can act the same way.
not sure about the second quest.but i like to tell ya that 3rd party mem cards dont always work.some games take longer loading a saved game on a 3rd party card.and some games just wont saved on them.
Well... does anyone own the Max (datel 64mb mem card??? Please i need to know fast =( Also where can i find these cheap online or offline???
i own one,thats why i told you above.cheap online go to ebay lol,best place to get anything imo.offline you can try bestbuy or a game store.but i dont think offline/general stores have them in stock anymore.
Well you didnt really mentioned you owned one... but anyways... Since you have one... how efficient is it??? Is it like how you described at the post above??? or does it just work perfectly???
Very well now i have one more question... You say some games can't be saved on 3rd party mem cards... how about saving them on the original mem cards and copying the data over to the 3rd party mem card?
you can save them but it takes a bit more time to save and load the files,only some games wont recognize the card and prob take too long to save it.but if ya move the save between cards is ok.i do that all the time.
Ahh sweet thx man =) ill see if i can get one of those To Eclipse: Why didn't you warn me about needing a CD for this memory card? T_T
i got the one made be datel,its black And sys 64m or something like that.it doesnt need a disc for me.no mem card does.
I just found on codejunkies.com that there is the ones that need a CD and other that don't... but exactly how am I suppose to know that??? No idea... and i did a lot of research X_X Here's the one i bought: Here's another one called Max as well...