Memories of Kingdom Hearts~

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey guys, there won't be a render point today, however upon searching around the net, I managed to find some hard to come by trailers of the Original Kingdom Hearts, and with us waiting ever so diligently for the next announcement we decided to post those trailers for download, and viewing today~

    Kingdom Hearts II Promotional Video
    Stream Download

    Kingdom Hearts II TGS 2004
    Stream Download

    Kingdom Hearts II TGS 2005
    Stream Download
    Kingdom Hearts From FF10 Disc

    Stream Download

    Kingodm Hearts Shop PV
    Stream Download

    Kingdom Hearts TGS 2001
    Stream Download

    Also to add a special kh-vids video, I decided to challenge Xaldin on Proud mode with the following conditions of not using any Reaction Command, or Limit. Forms were not used for battle, but Mickey was used, and being underleveled trust me Mickey was seriously needed.

    Part 1
    Part 2
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 26, 2007.

    1. Crispers
      oh wow thanx xaldin im gonna watch them as soon as im home form school ^_^
    2. MoTi550
      Wow, those KH1 trailers were awesome. There was so much stuff they took out.
    3. theogary
      Hehe. It's funny to see how unpolished the game was in the really early videos.
    4. TJ13
      For the Xaldin Proud mode you sure got lucky with Mickey getting him four times in a row sheesh. Also was not using reflect and other magic besides cure one of your conditions? Because there were times in your battle when reflect would have helped a lot. Otherwise thanks for the memories of the KH trailers and good job on Xaldin with those conditions.
    5. Darkcloud
      There is one cutscene in KH that not many are familiar with: It's a few worlds before Monstro, I think before the third visit to Traverse Town. For certain it is when Cid leaves the shop. If you look to the side of the counter, you find an object next to it. You examine it, and its Pinnochio, and you have a small conversation with him. Not much of a cutscene, but it is one. :)
    6. EvilMan_89
      hey Xaldin, do u have a cheating device? cuz if u do, u can cheat to make XALDIN stronger! that's what i did, but Xaldin was still disappointly a joke
    7. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      This is sooo uber leet hax. Nice job, Xaldy! =D
    8. EvilMan_89
      awww......ur missing on the cool KH2 ones that i saw b4.
    9. Roxas-
      I wished the 1000 heartless battle still had the behemoths; it was too easy.
    10. kitsune_roku
      Somehow when I fought Xaldin in proud mode, I think my game may have had some sort of glitch that day, but Mickey decided to pop up 7-8 times...

      I'm just sitting there like...O_o woah...

      Who knows how many times its possible for Mickey to pop up...
    11. Xaldin
      Mickey appears as a percentage, it can be endless if you're lucky enough, after the first 3 times, Mickey will only have "50%" chance of popping up ^^ as the Ultimania states.
    12. Peyton
      Wow, these are so good!.
      It's so fun looking at.
      Thanks Xaldin!(:
    13. johnboy3434
      Oh my... did anyone else notice something interesting at 1:03 on the KH preview from FFX? That was Sora... in Disney Castle! Okay, we need hackers, STAT! There's got to be something left of it on the game disc! I mean, we found Villain's Vale and the Seashore in KH2, so why not a whole missing world in KH1? This would be AWESOME! I wonder what the story for DC was.
    14. Inasuma
      It's truly amazing how far KH has come.

      That really old FF10 demo video for KH1 was old concept art.

      Thanks, Xaldin. Reminiscence here is awesome.
    15. shingo_the_pest
      The footage that was used for the Roxas and Sora fight in Kingdom Hearts II TGS 2005 PV was never used, but it looked so cool. Surrounded by Nobodies, and then charging at each other... *_*

      And they placed DiZ in the computer room, instead of the musty room.