Meme-spawned crack

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Zekushion, Nov 15, 2007.

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  1. Zekushion Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    Mount Olympus
    This was taken from a meme I did on my journal:

    Roxas and Hokuto reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by Sunstreaker's sinister secret organization. Riku volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that he is actually a spy for Sunstreaker. Meanwhile, Sunstreaker has kidnapped Prowl in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of Demyx, they seek out Bumblebee, who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What do you name this fic?

    “World’s Most ****ed-Up Game of Dungeons and Dragons. EVER.â€

    Just imagine the drugs I'd need to do before actually writing a Kingdom Hearts/Transformers/Tokyo Babylon crossover like that.

    What kind of crack do you get in memes like that?
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