1P Life MAX 1CDFEF08 1456FD0D 1P Magic Circuit MAX 1CDFEE28 14563AD5 Master Code EC878530 1456E79B 1P Forced Character Code 3C1FBBFC 1456E7xx 1P Style is always Eclipse 3CAC9F74 1456E79E xx Not needed for the other characters So just the bosses then. B5= G. Akiha C5= Dust of Osiris PAR was used when there was a need for encryption. Forced Style Change 00882B00 x 008838E8 x x 0:Crescent 1:Full 2:Half 3:Eclipse 1(Restricted to BossRush Characters) 9:Eclipse 2 (Works with everyone except the hidden characters. Also Princess Arc.) Forced Character Change 008838D4 x 10:G Akiha 13:Armed Ciel (No Data) 15:White Len 2? (No Data) 18:Uniform Akiha 2? (No Data) 20:Osiris 21-23:Hidden Characters 24-32:Empty 33rincess Arc 34-:Undefined 1P Life MAX 4CDFEF08 14560A56 4CDFEF0C 14560A56 1P Magic Circuit MAX 4CDFEE28 14563AD5 Osiris's AD is 4C. Etherlite is 4B. Enemy Life 0 00487858 0 00487859 0 Use it if Boss Rush is troublesome for you. Set the Difficulty to 1 and the Damage Level to 5 - Use a throw to damage them. Stupid Codes Enemy Movement Restriction (Can't move left and right, stuck in place, knockback disabled, randomly warps.) 004878B0 000000FF 004878B1 000000FF 004878B2 000000FF 004878B3 000000FF 1P become small (Collision detection remains the same.) 00486FA2 00000030 00486FA6 00000020 Unrestricted Normal Attacks (You can use the same attack over and over.) 00486FF0 000000FF Forced Stage Change 00881FD0 XX 3A: G's Table Forced Gauge State Change 1P 00486D08 X 2P 00487880 X 0 Normal 1 Heat 2 Max 3 Blood Heat 4 Nothing 5 Unlimited 6 Nothing else Unlock Uniform Akiha 00347BAA 01 00347B96 01 Unlock Neco Arc Chaos 00347B9B 01 00347Bbe 01 Unlock Neco and Mech 00347BA0 01 Unlock Koha and Mech 00347bb8 01 00348218 01 Unlock Princess Arc 00348220 01 Unlock G's Table 003481C8 01 Enable Code (Must Be On) 90111098 0C0443CE I'm having a rough time here. I need to get these codes working for Codebreaker v5 (No I don't have anything higher and have no way of getting anything higher. Stop asking) or at least ARMax, but I have no idea what formats all these different codes are in >__<;;; Could somebody please help me figure out how to convert these to work with CB V5? T__T I'll settle for ARMax as a last resort if it absolutely can't happen.
Edit: Nevermind all of that Master code. F0100208 002B91DB I've found this M code here, but it froze when I tried starting the game up. I'm gonna try again to see if I just put it in wrong, but I'm not sure... T__T Edit: Nope, still freezes. DX Anyone have any idea what's wrong? This is where I found it http://www.jokergameth.com/board/showthread.php?t=65858
Wow... That's amazing... I remember when I first posted those things on Melty Bread... Anyway, IIRC I couldn't get the game to not freeze on me for a while either, and that last enable code is for Codebreaker 6+... Anywho, I had to use this code: Master Code F0100208 0000000E For the raw codes in the latter half to work. The codes above the line that says "PAR Codes... etc" are well, PAR codes. They're not RAW. So they won't work. Hope that helps.
I'm sorry Erkz but I have no idea what PAR means. DX At which part do they separate between what codes work and dont? I can't exactly see a "halfway point" in there, and the format of some of them are very confusing, like the ones that look like they should be Codebreaker but only have 1 or 2 digits for the second half without any zeros. Also that M code freezes for me too, even on it's own. u.u Would the fact that I'm using a burned copy be of any significance?
PAR = Pro Action Replay. An old, old version of Action Replay for the PS2. And it shouldn't matter whether or not your copy is burnt. : \ As for the halfway point... uh, let's just say that the first 5 codes aren't raw. And uh... I got nothin'. If that Master Code doesn't work you're gonna have to find one that does. : \
*sighs* What a pain... u.u' Oh well, thanks for at least trying to help me out Erkz. I really appreciate it :3 Is there any possible way to convert it to ARMAX in that case though? o.o I can't figure out this Omniconvert thing XD; Maxconvert was easier
Oh wow. Never thought i would see an MB thread on KHV. O.o About the M code. Erkz, did you try hacking a 9 type through the elf? That might do the trick.
Well the good news is that I got a new M Code from Lee4 at Codemasters Project. Enable Code (Must Be On) F0100008 0011109B The bad news is that for some reason, none of the codes are even activating. The game doesn't freeze or anything, it just runs normally. o_o I'm trying to use these to test things out P1 Inf HP ~lee4 10486CE0 000025B1 10486CE4 000025B1 P1 Inf MP ~lee4 10486D00 00007530 Unlock EveryThing ~lee4 40347B90 00FF0001 00020002 00000000 40347F8C 008C0001 00010001 00000000 403481F8 00080002 00000001 00000000 These are Raw too, right? o.o
Yep, those are RAW. I'mma check the ELF and try to hack that master code for you. Just a sec. EDIT: (M) Enable Codes Codebreaker 901129A0 0C04A2B4 Or: F01129A0 001129A3 Note: the ''F'' type can be converted into ARMAX. Try these out, just hacked them.
Hmm...Weirdly enough, the codes still didn't activate. *used the "F" type* Lee4 just gave me 3 new ones also, so I'll try those. Seriously, why is this being such a pain for me and not anyone else? XD;; Oh, but thanks for your hard work Yukio :3 Edit: If anyone else has a problem, use this M code! It works like a charm! X3 Courtesy of Lee4 :3 Enable Code (Must Be On) F0111098 0000000E
Ah, i see. Was close enough. Anyway, checked it out in the ELF and it seems it was also an referrer of the memcpy label. Here, turned it into 9 type and a convertable type for ARMAX. Codebreaker 90111098 0C0443CE ARMAX(Convertable) F0111098 0011109B
DEBUG MODE 003D8FB0 00000001 -PLAY GIANT CHARA- Used G-Akiha = Akiha In L1 Used Osiris = Satsuki In L1 -ENABLE DEBUG COMMAND- L1:1P HPMAX L2:1P Magic Circuit MAX R1:2P HPMAX R2:2P HP0 SELECT:STOP! -SHOW MOTION- □:Back 1 Moves ×:Next 1 Moves ○:? △:? .......& Voice/SE Test ---------------------- "Show Motion Frozen Characters" 1:Hisui (Single) 2:Kohaku (Single) ----------------------