Megami no Hikari's poems

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Megami no Hikari, Jun 29, 2007.

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  1. Megami no Hikari Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2007
    The Netherlands
    I wrote a few poems. Please leave a comment after reading it^^
    Notice: I posted these poems on another forum under the name Kokoro.

    Everytime when i'm passing by,
    Everytime when i want to see you,
    There is a warm feeling inside me,
    Is this feeling called love?

    Altough i want to say it, i look away.
    Everytime when your really close to,
    i get nervous, why oh why does that happen.

    Everytime i want to say 'that' feeling,
    but i can't, i'm too shy.


    I think that lonely is the worst feeling,
    altough it doesn't hurt from the outside,
    it hurts from the inside.

    no people to talk to,
    no people to make fun with,
    no people that can support you,

    But i think that there will be people
    who will reach out there hand to those who are lonely.
    When that happens,
    those people who are lonely must grab that hand,
    and understand that they will never be lonely anymore..


    I thougth that we were friends,
    but now we aren't.
    why did you do that?
    You hurt me right now
    and you promised to not to.



    The day when it was cold and the snow was falling down,
    was a day when i rememberd you.
    Because i was looking out of the window and i saw my old diary.

    I was bored, so i started to read.
    Then i read about our time, about our meeting and our love.
    The time when we had fun, the time when we were sad and the time that we shared our souls.

    It made me happy, but then i started to read the real hard thing.
    The time when you had an accident and how you died.
    Tears just started to come out and i was hurted again.

    After that part, the diary ends.
    Now i understand how i tried to forget you and how i acctually had more pain then nessesary.

    Now i will write again, i will write the pain, because it gives me a chance to remender you, without getting hurt.

    So sorry

    I know how hard it is.
    To tell someone you love what you really feel
    especially when that person is your best friend.

    You're affraid to lose me,
    but you feel like you can't keep it inside anymore.
    You want to make love with me,
    but i don't it with you.
    One day you told me how you thougth about me,
    and i told how i thougth about you.

    I saw pain in your eyes,
    being friends isn't enough for you,
    but you must understand,
    you can't force me to make love with you.

    I'm sorry, so sorry...

    Same day as before

    Sun is rising, hearing the birds singing outside.
    It's summer and i have to go to school.
    Everyday it's the same rythem,
    gettin up, preparing for school, breakfast and go to school,
    like the same day before.

    This life now looks so, so boring,
    but someting is new to me,
    i want to go to school.
    I want to see you,
    like the same day before.

    See your smile, feel my feelings,
    you look at me, but i look away,
    like the same day before.

    I want to say it, i really want it.
    When i wanted to tell you my feelings,
    i saw her.
    I can't and will not do anyting right now.

    Now my life looks like the same days before...
  2. AkuseruVIII Banned

    Apr 4, 2007
    Where do YOU live huh? Huh? HUH?
    Okay, I don't know much about poetry so I don't know if it's good or not. Only, you spell "diary" as "dairy" so I suggest you fix that small error as it's in a title and makes it look kinda bad. Other than that I liked it well enough.
  3. Megami no Hikari Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2007
    The Netherlands
    I'm such a fool >< Thanks for noticing!

    Here's the rest:

    Will you be there

    Funny how love can take it's path,
    first i was lonely, but now i have you

    Was our meeting ment to be, or did it just happend
    I don't know, but acctually i don't care.
    As long as i have you, it will be alright.

    One day when we walked together, you said to me you would move away from me.
    You said it's gonna be okay, and we would still keep contact.
    I felt relieved when you said that, and we hold each other one more time.

    The day when you left, was a day with mist.
    I saw the bus riding out of the street, and waited for your call.

    When i was inside, waiting for your call, i saw the news.
    A bus has made a accident, and no one survived.
    I was afraid, and when i saw the names, i cried.

    Now i have to move on, alone again. And when i look at the sky and wondering if you would be there, waiting for me, in heaven...
    But my time will come, and i will pray and ask again:
    Will you be there?

    Thank You

    They 're always there,
    when your having trouble.
    They will help you as much as they can,
    maybe you know over which people i'm talking about,
    parents, brothers, sisters, friends, name them.

    You always try to help them too, right?
    And when you of they are out of there trouble,
    they say the word that is so beautiful,
    that most people don't see that it's so beautiful.
    Thank You...
  4. Megami no Hikari Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2007
    The Netherlands
    Keep driving

    An empty blue sky,
    the wind blowing in my face,
    Just don't stop yet.
    Beside you everything that didn't matter to me, matters now,
    I feel a little bit more alive.
    Weird isn't it? That a person can make that little diffrence in live,
    though it isn't just a person to me.
    The breeze in my face relaxes me so much,
    i feel like i never wanna stop,
    i want to taste a little more of this short moment,
    befor the sun is gone...
  5. Megami no Hikari Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 29, 2007
    The Netherlands
    It's a long time ago, but here's another poem

    Feel like jumping

    This feeling inside me,
    It sure isn't love,
    it's a feeling you can have one in a while
    I feel like jumping

    Just keep smiling everyday
    People think you're in love
    And when they ask,
    i actually don't know what to say

    If i say i feel like jumping,
    i don't mean anything sad,
    i'm just so happy,
    that i can jump right into the sky

    I just feel like jumping
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