You know when you showed this to me I thought this was a spoof joke.... Wow.... Well have fun fans of megaman, if you still exist.
Well, it beats Megaman Xover. Neat, but still not what Megaman deserves and still not enough proof that Capcom cares about it anymore.
Never cared for Street Fighter. Loved Mega Man, specifically for the GBA. If it's free i'll probably look into it, cause you know . . . i'm cheap like that.
I... think I am going to get this game. It looks really fun. Though all the classic Rockman games were fun.
This is depressing. It's not every day that a beloved game series turns 20, but when it's two from the same publisher, I'd expect something... grander. I'm not saying the fan-made game isn't a labor of love, but I'd have expected Capcom to actually give a **** about their products and make their own tribute for the fans to enjoy.
this looks pretty sweet. i'll definitely be checking this out. it's too bad it's not a PSN game because i don't like playing games on my computer in general but free is free.
Downloaded this a moment ago and plan to load it up in a bit. Shame on Capcom for using a fanmade game, but this still looks insanely entertaining. despite my, erm, history with side-scrolling platformers With any luck, I should be able to get through it before the end of winter break.
so i beat this game yesterday. it was pretty awesome actually. i wish that there was a password or some sort of saving feature implemented, because the lack of those kind of forced me to blast through the entire game in one sitting (i usually like to take my time in beating games).