... Win. Amirite? Well, yeah, just FINALLY got my copy of it (>.<) and it's flippin awesome. It feels like the original MMBN 2 & 3, which is awesome. Any one else play it yet?
I got Falzar. I plan on getting gregar too, just not yet. lol So far I've beaten Bass SP and am trying to get all the giga's. xD
Nice Ya I helped my Cousin, who has Falzar, beat it but then he got bored and restarted so now he's wanting me to help him beat it again!!!!! *changes mood* Anyway I saw this guy on youtube who hacked the game!!!! it was pretty sweeet!! He had a cross between the games. He also played as Bass!! It was sweeeet!
I have played both versions but gregar version was MUCH better.Slashman is unbeatable....I defeated gregar and bass in 2 min...
Yeah. Bass was really easy. XD After preparing my folder for him it was amazingly easy. I want Slashman's cross though. The only good cross in Falzar is Dustman. =/