Man, I just want to have a way to replay Megaman Battle Network, is that so much to ask? Why does it always have to be these older versions?
somewhere out there @Stardust is losing her mind I've never gotten a chance to play through any of the Megaman games before, so this is really neat! I'm not sure if I want to get the PS4 version or the 3DS one yet (kinda leaning towards PS4 even though I have like 2 games for 3DS now, lol :v). The new Challenge Mode also sounds pretty sweet.
I had played some of these Mega Man games long, long time ago, but to be honest the one I'd really love to hear a remake collection is Mega Man X and maybe Mega Man Zero. Battle Network was also one of my favorite when I was a kid, so I'd really be excited for it. I miiiight consider getting this one for my 3DS. Not too sure. But, yeah, either way the farest I remember it's a good game. Mega Man style is good overall.
As someone who's been wanting to get into Mega Man lately, this game is definitely on my radar. Winter can't come soon enough!
hey maybe port that zero collection i never got but still want to the 3ds as well while we're at it and x. that'd be cool too.
in before cancelled YEAH BASICALLY LOL The thing is, people have been bitching about this since it was announced (as people do for everything Capcom does in regards to Mega Man) but I honestly think a lot of the reasons why are flimsy... Yes, "Oh great, another NOT NEW Mega Man game," but... 1) Even this thread is decent evidence that there are people with interest in these games who have never had the opportunity to try them before, and now they can do so in an HD collection with extras??? WOE IS ME 2) I've seen a lot of "Why should I get this if there are already Virtual Console versions/Anniversary Collection/etc??" and the reason why, aside from access on consoles that may not have had it before, is that afaik all of those are low resolution ports, so they will look like garbage on a modern television! Not to mention the collection having some unique features in and of itself, like that challenge mode :v. I really have little problem with this, I just hope it turns out (and performs) okay! The only thing that would make me jump for joy would be the option for some basic scanline/CRT simulation (nothing fancy, I don't want to make my games look like they were fed through an RF cable lol)... Games like Mega Man look wrong without them imo. But I get that to a lot of people that just makes it look worse haha. Other than that -- the lack of inclusion of some of the later titles is disappointing. Anyhoo while I have all of these I might get the PC version to try them out in high resolution, assuming it's proper HD. If not, I am much less interested. :C The DS version can be had for like $15 these days I think?