okay, i said a word that my older sister, michelle, usually says. then she started going off on this rant about how i'm trying to be her. i denied it and she started yelling about how i need to stop 'stealing peoples identities' and how i need to be myself. but when i try to be myself she makes fun of me about how much of a nerd and a ****** i am for playing a video game more than once, or randomly saying something weird. that's why i act more like her when she's around. i don't know what to do, khv. help please. :(
Moving this to help with life. :] I was in a similar situation to you a year or two ago, actually, though it was over music. I would like my something my sister was listening to and she would throw a fit, claiming I was "copying" her. So I went to the opposite extreme, and completely shut her out of everything I was doing, so even if our tastes did overlap, she wouldn't know. It didn't work out well at all, so I strongly advise you not to do that. Here I don't think the problem is you, it's her. If she wants you to be your own person then ridicules you for doing so then she's contradicting herself. She might just be in a bad mood lately or under a lot of stress, and she's taking it out on you. People are always going to hate on you, it's a fact of life, but as long as you are being true to who you are, then you win. Just shrug it off and be yourself.
Not much I can say accept that I agree with Misty. She will always find a reason to annoy you anyway. Better for her to complain about you being yourself then you acting like the one who's too much of a brat to respect you for who you are :/
I have a younger sister who makes fun of me because I'm different. Just yesturday, I was sort of dancing at a Sonic, waiting for our food when she said "Would you stop doing that, you're embarassing yourself. You always act wierd". I usually get this crap from my family all the time, that I don't follow the norm that is set up by unknown people. I use to let it get to me and I always felt hurt. You need to learn though that you cannot let others define you. Does what you do/what you're into make you happy? Then you should keep on doing it and ignore what other people say. I learned that you don't need the approval of total strangers or those who just want to mock you because they find it enjoyable. You really don't need anybody's approval, just be who you are and there are some people out there who will respect that.
yeah, but it's kind of hard not to like the sames things, considering we grew up only four years apart. she complains because i'm "copying" her, but as soon as i do something she doesn't like to do, she starts trash talking the thing that i'm doing. i'm so confused!
She' s the one who doesn' t make sense. Either ignore her or underline her stupidness. Let' s says she throws a rant because you both like Lady Gaga (for example), just reply "you should patent the fact that you like Lady Gaga, I' m sure all of her fans don' t like her at all, they just secretly wanna be you." The mature reaction would be to ignore her though ...
People do this to others all the time. You're an individual, you can do whatever you want. It's okay to be an individual as long as your happy. When she says that you're copying her, just inform her that it could be possible that your into those kinds of things too, regardless about her own personal taste. I know it's hard to ignore what people say about you, but she shouldn't be the one who controls your happiness.
This actually seems like a pretty good idea, provided you don't have any hopes about having a healthy relationship with your sister. As Malice says, she'll always find a reason to annoy you anyway. Just chopping her out of your life is the best way to completely solve that problem. You can always forge a better relationship later. It's definitely not good for self-esteem to be around someone who's always putting you down.
well, on the plus side, if she get's enough money she'll be going to australia soon so she'll be out of my life for a little while.
You need to lock her out entirely! Don't leave it just to her. Otherwise when she returns, it'll be just as bad.
well, i still want a relationship with her, but i think i'll just stop letting her push me around and make fun of me.
That's significantly harder to do than just cutting her out. It depends how much you want to stay close to her.
She's your sister though. Me and my sister don't get along very well and I get the shorter end of the stick when it comes between the two of us. Still, it's not like I really want to be totally cut off from my siblings. We tend to focus on the bad stuff on a person and because of that all of your good moments with your sister are eclipsed. Have you ever just had a moment where you and your sister were laughing, cracking jokes, or anything like that? For some reason, bad things overshadow the good people do. I say that if it is really a problem, just be a little distant from her, but don't cut her off completely. That can actually be the worse thing to do.
exactly. we laugh and act ******ed almost everyday, but also she just flips the switch and starts going off on me. i'm starting to thinks she a wee bit bipolar. :\
Bipolar? Well, she's a girl, isn't she? :lolface: Just don't let her odd attitudes become your impression of your sister and everything should be okay. Just blow off whenever she makes fun of you and embrace all the stupid things you do forever.
Thats actually really good what tummer's saying, but I just wanna throw in some two cents. Ignorings definatly good, but sometimes I think that its a bit unhealthy. Ive tried the ignoring thing with many a person and its usually resulted in many a negative aspect. You're probably different, but at some time, it might actually be a good idea to call her out on this whole thing, if you think she can be reasoned with. You know, like tell her how you feel about it and such? If you guys are as close as you're saying. I'm just saying though because I know that a persons worst enemy is themselves. You tell a person how they're treating you when they care about you, and it makes them think, regret, and then take notice to how they treat you. Like said, I just think its better to go with that since it'd suck for hurtful words to be used if she ever really got to ya.
Trying to deal with your sister's mood swings while maintaining a good relationship with her is immensely difficult. Also, there's a high chance you'll fail, and end up with the same old problem. Clearly you've already been ignoring it, or trying to sort it out, but it hasn't worked. Nothing will change unless you change it. Cutting her out is certain to work.