
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by hahannuh, Mar 10, 2007.

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  1. hahannuh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 22, 2006
    So I've been thinking. Isn't it crazy how big this world is? Moreover, how the universe is ridiculously vast..

    Isn't it funny that little kids are less self-concious than "mature" adults? Or how we won't have summer vacation when we're grown up? Am I going to grow up and be boring? Am I going to blend in with the rest of the world? Will I wake up every morning... bored with life? I know this sounds crazy but I really wish I could just stay a teenager forever. I mean sure college sounds fun but what's so fun about it? Drinking? Sex? Excuse me but I am not really excited for that stuff. Maybe it's that feeling being away from home, which I totally understand. But this feeling right now, facing decisions we never thought to face. Friendships that come and go. Changes. Infatuations. Trends. All of this is so exciting. I know I'll grow up, be mature, and have kids. Won't it suck though to watch your kids grow up and miss scraping your knees, opening christmas presents, drama at school, sick days, first kisses, school dances, and pure fun. Just fun. I'm so afraid that when I grow up, I won't be able to laugh at all the things I find funny. I won't be excited to see a new cool video game come out. I won't want to go watch movies just to hang out with friends. I won't have to ride my bike to Chipotle for lunch. This age is so amazing, we have absolute freedom. This may sound strange but it's the truth. Sure, adults have freedom, drive anywhere... but that's about it. But TEENAGERS, we can act like fools, we can be rude, we can be crazy, we can laugh out loud, we can roll in the grass, we can swing on the swings, we can talk about anybody. Adults... can't. Basically what I'm saying is being grown-up isn't half as fun as growing up. These are the best days of our lives.
  2. Roxas OG

    Sep 26, 2006
    Cin's basement
    That is the point; these are the best days of our lives. I wonder why kids want to be treated like adults.

    You see, hahannuh, being an adult is all about giving your kids the reason to be happy like you are now.

    All these emotions you're feeling; the happiness, they adventure: pour your emotions into your children so that they can experience it too, so that they can treasure the valuable moments of childhood that you miss.
  3. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Roxas is right, we need to enjoy our lives especially now... don't rush to grow up =p
  4. Shadow Tactician Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 6, 2007
    why do you care? are you going to stalk me?
    i always tell this to my friends. have fun now and don't get stressed over things like girlfriends, boyfriends, and other stuff. all of my friends always have problems that i don't have becasue i want to have fun. they call me immature, but i call it getting the best out of my teenage years.:D
  5. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    You're right. Though you quite made me freak out with this sadness.

    Many people at school call me immature for stupid reasons. They want to be adults...they're jealous of me because of my age. I wish i was two years younger...
  6. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Just becuase you grow up doesn't mean you can't still act like a kid, I'm 18 and most times I act like am a 10 year old, and all my friends love it becuase they find it funny, so don't act your age, act how old you feels and have fun all your life
  7. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Im a 50 year old and I don't care if I act like a kid >_> Lol j/k Oh yeah?!!!! Kids like 9 or 10 play in the swings too!!!! *ahem* Sorry I got mad. Anyways so what if you grow up :\ I mean you still can play video games and have fun :\ Growing up is not about bieng boring but about the things you do that is fun for you :\ You'll always be a kid in the inside if you like it or not :\

    Nuff said :\
  8. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    You don't know what'll happen to you in the future. You just don't.

    You can still do the same things (liking video games, etc) if it's really something you like, because it's something you do naturally, and thus isn't easy for it to shake off. You want to go watch a movie? Go watch a movie. That isn't something anyone shouldn't be allowed to do, whether they're 13 or 31. You want to go to a party? Go to a party. These things *won't* change as drastically as you say they will if they are truly things you enjoy and do because you like doing them. If you're going to watch movies because 'you're a teenager', or 'being "immature"" because you're a teenager, then sadly I don't think you're doing these things for the right reasons.

    I'm in college, and drinking and sex is *not* what it's all about. It happens, but so do other things. *You* are in control of what your experiences are. *You* are the one who gets to decide just what you want to do, and when. Just because you see 'drinking' and 'sex' as 'what college is all about', that doesn't mean you have to do it. Hell, that's how it was in high school for me. People running around partying out late till 4am getting drunk and having sex. Me? Not my thing, and I can easily say no.

    Friendships come and go at any age of your life. I'm not particularly close with my friends that I had back in elementary; I made new ones in high school. And because I *wanted* to, I'm still in close touch with my high school friends even now at college, even though many of us are at different institutions. These are choices *we* have to make, it is not in the control of anyone else. What you find funny isn't something you think about, because it just happens. How your 'humour' changes shouldn't frighten you, because amusement is innate and we never really think about it.

    As well, you pointed out children. While I haven't addressed anything specifically about what you said, I just want to say: Having children is not an obligation. Many people like to stress about how having children is a must after marriage and how "having children just makes my responsibilies go over the roof" or "I can't have as much fun as before because I have kids". Well, those that think that way shouldn't even think about having children. And this isn't a bad thing. Some people just aren't ready to be parents and many will never be. If you enjoy just being only accountable to yourself (and let's say, to a special someone in the future), then you have every right to keep it that way. Maybe you enjoy the 'lovers' scene far too much, and don't want it to become the 'parents' scene, and that's fine too. It's a lot better to realize that you appreciate that freedom more than to have kids and resent and neglect them later.

    I'm personally not afraid. Maybe it's because I welcome development and welcome learning and becoming wiser about the things I previously didn't know. Maybe it's because I still haven't reached a point of independence that I want, like living on my own and doing whatever I want whenever I want. I can't do that when I'm still being cared for by my parents, shackled down by rules and regulations. I want to live on my own with a special someone and let it be the two of us to decide where to go, what to do, things to see. Maybe it's because I believe that even after I enter a new stage in my life--high school, college, eventually the workplace--I still feel I have been and still will be true to myself, and made and will make every choice wholeheartedly and without regrets.

    Why? Be crazy, laugh out loud, roll in the grass, swing on the swings, talk about anybody. Why? Not because you're an adult. Do it because you're *you*, and do it because it's what *you* want.

    Who can define what adults should do? No one. The term 'adult' was made to coin a particular physiological stage in human growth and development for society and the law. This does not reflect how we grow mentally and emotionally or governs what we should do.
  9. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007

    Don't use this time to feel sorrow and be unhappy thinking that you don't want to grow up -
    Enjoy the time while you got it!^^
  10. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    O__O...Oh my gosh this woman (ロクサス) is amazing. She has a word for like, EVERYTHING. Hell, her posts are always structed articles. D:

    Well hahannuh, you don't have to change your hobbies and what you like just because you're an 'adult'. I personally don't see what stops an adult from "laughing, talking about anybody, swing on the swings" because a lot of my adult relatives do that (okay so the swinging on the swings part maybe not lol) Sure, you have new responsibilties and obviously that eats up your time, BUT- it sure as hell doesn't eat up who you are and what you like to do (:
  11. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Ahaha, I wonder why everyone must think I'm a girl.

    Sorry if I've ruined any perception you might've had for me, StupidAquarius, but I'm a guy.
  12. hahannuh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 22, 2006
    Thanks everybody. Sorry if offended anybody, I was just in a strange, nostalgic, and almost depressed mood. I know I shouldn't be so negative and I really am a very optimistic person. Just sometimes I like to vent and (I know this sounds terrible) half of the stuff I write comes out from pure annoyance. So I don't really support everthing I say, you can tell because a lot of my post is just questions. I guess I'm just scared to grow up, I'm stressing because I'm failing at school (literally), and I honestly don't have any goals in life. Everytime I think about what may happen after high school, I just get confused and worried. Where am I going to end up? That's basically what I am feeling. But thanks for the support, advice, facts, opinions, and everything. Again, sorry if I offended anybody and I appreciate the feedback.
  13. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    ... ... ...

    Well, I don't warn everybody beforehand on my username that I'm..well, kinda dumb for nothing. :/ I should've called you "That!"

    Either way you're still amazing dude.
  14. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Meh, I'm never offended--I've gotten it often enough times to not really think much of it.

    And all the best, hahannuh. I don't really know what I want to do with my life either. But if you have no real idea, just pursue what makes you happy and things you enjoy. It's a hell of a lot better than trying to conform to something you think *will make you happy*, and find out later that it really didn't. I know I've tried for several years to convince myself that science was the way to go for me, and constantly threw myself into it. Why? Because everyone close to me was some sort of science achiever, made lots of money, and the science field is always looking for new people to employ; it's an easy way to secure your livelihood in the future. However, by college, I realized that I couldn't handle it (grades were slipping, and I felt like I was studying and struggling for no reason), so I thought: if I'm going to struggle at something, at least let it be something I enjoy and feel is worth my time and effort. So now I'm a Psychology major, and intend to continue pursuing it--and luckily enough, I'm doing well at it, at least for now.

    You may not know what you want to do now, and that's perfectly normal; not everything we plan at the beginning may transform into truth and reality later on. So don't try to kid yourself and say "I wanna be this because it'll get me this, and then I can do this and then...". Instead, just look at what you enjoy, and then pursue it and say "I'm going to do this because I like it, and because I feel I can be great at it."

    The future won't wait for us; it's constantly on the horizon and will reach us whether we like it or not. So if we can't escape this inevitability, you might as well greet that future with your best foot forward, and smile--and just take it one day at a time.
  15. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Oh jeez, hahannuh, I used to think about this kind of thing all the time when I was in high school. I didn't want to grow up either. I wanted Peter Pan to whisk me over to Neverland or something. O_o

    At the time, I still watched cartoons and films I watched when I was younger.. I even watched the home movies of me as a kid, for nostalgia. Dx I wish I was still like, 12. At that age, I was so 'awkward' but I did go out just about every night and there was hardly any responsibility at all.

    I hate change, and when high school ended my life pretty much changed completely. I stayed on at sixth form in my high school but quite a few friends left and I made have new ones. Some of my friends I've known since first school though, so that's cool. The only way I can keep in contact with the friends that moved away is through msn and I'm sorry to say that definitely not as close as we used to be and we're sort of drifting apart...

    But, hahannuh, you shouldn't worry too much about your future. Contrary to what people may be saying to you now, you don't have to know what career you want to do yet.... You could even see a career's advisor if you really want to.
  16. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Soush, I knew you were a guy. Lulz.

    Anyway, it's not a matter of 'being old restricts me from having fun', it's more 'you have responsibility'.

    When you have a huge house, bills to pay, a job to do, etc., you tend to become less fun because life has gotten bland and unexciting.

    Much like Soush said, you're never 'not' allowed to have fun. It's whether you choose to have it and when you want to have it. And again, you can be 40 years old and go to parties like when you're 17 or 18. You just have to know whether or not you want it.

    Growing up is hard, and you never want it to end. Understandable. However when you grow up it's not like everything goes away. I know people who are in their 20's who still watch cartoons and anime's and whatever. Don't FEAR what you love, EMBRACE it. Meaning if you think it'll all end then you're basically fearing for no reason at all--because you can do it whenever you want when you're older and you feel like having some fun, or fun in a sense that you want to be considered 'fun'.
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