I'm sure you guys remember my math thread in Gaming, and I just wanted to ask a simple question. In Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, Cure restores 25% of your max health, Healing Rain 50%, Vital Energy 75%, and First Aid 35%. Let's use Maru's max health at level 56 for an example, which is 378. To figure out how they get the numbers, you do this: 378 * 25 / 100 = 94 378 * 35 / 100 = 132 378 * 50 / 100 = 189 378 * 75 / 100 = 283 Or if you just want to be lazy, for 25% and 50% you can just do 378 / 4 = 94 and 378 / 2 = 189. However, if you wanted to be lazy with 35% and 75%, what numbers would you use? Edit: This thread.
That's one heck of a roundabout way to do something so simple. Did schools decide to start adding extra steps to simple math problems?
you multiply by .35 and .75. .35 = 35/100 and .75 = 75/100. 378 * .35 = 132.3 = 132 378 * .75 = 283.5 = 284 that's probably the simplest way
Second one would actually be 283 even though the answer is 283.5 because the game doesn't round up. But, anyway, yeah that is pretty simple. However, what about my question, specifically? For 50%, for example, we could do 378 / 2 because that's cutting it in half, and 378 / 4 for 25% because you're cutting into four quarters, but what numbers would I use for 35 and 75? I was thinking three for 75, but that's not right.
Well that's the thing, there's not really an easy way to do it. You can figure it out though. For 50%, it's 378 / 2. That equals 189. You can solve for what you would need to divide by since you already know the answer: 378/x = 189 (multiply both sides by x) 378 = 189x (divide both sides by 189) 2 = x So 378 / 2 is 50%. Now for 35% we know that the answer is 132 (repeat the same process as above). 378/x = 132 378 = 132x ~2.864 = x So 378 / 2.864 ~= 132. It's not pretty, which is why using 378 * .35 is easier.
Or 378 * 35 / 100, which is personally just as easy. Now, what about 75%? Would that be just as complicated as 35% if done that way?
Janime's algebra is a roundabout way to calculate 1 / Decimal Notation. 1 / .25 = 4 1 / .35 = 2.857142857142857... 1 / .50 = 2 1 / .75 = 1.333333333333333...
Well, you could always multiply 378 by .35 and get the answer, and with 75%, just do 378 X .75. Multiplying is easiest with the decimal because you just multiply the numbers, then add the decimal over 2 spaces Edit: Why did I quote two people? Oh well, no care from me.
yea I guess there's that too... (I knew there had to be an easier method, but I forgot doing that was a thing so thanks for refreshing my memory)