@libregkd Well, California certainly needs it this upcoming winter. Maybe the rest of the West will get some of it, too. Photos in the source link below. Source: USA Today Published: July 9, 2015
That's not a good sign for the east coast, though... Which is affected by the storm. The last time this sort of thing happened, my state lost power in a massive ice storm for a month since it stalled and knocked out their power that long. A lot of kids missed school and all of Northern Maine basically shut down for a month because of how many people lost their power. It was debate on what to do with the schools since the kids literally missed a whole months worth of school. It took 60,000 workers from five different states three months to give 325,000 people back their power. Google Ice Storm of 1998 Maine for more info. http://bangorinfo.com/Focus/focus_ice_storm.html Here's a small article about it.
It seems like the east side of the continent has been taking the brunt of most of the weather, (global warming anyone?). I think the rest of the continent could use the snow and storms except for the east coast. New York took most of the north side's snow this year, and Canada has had some real problems with wildfires close to the border. Here's to hoping it gets better for everyone.
They're really confident it's happening, which means a colder and stormier winter 2015-2016 for the west, which really needs it. Yay! http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/MediaDetail2.php?MediaID=1742&MediaTypeID=1