Warning: VERY strong language. So I finished another part of my Repo! A Genetic Opera project. I'm not quite sure just how well it turned out but I think it's better then most Kingdom Hearts Mark It Up to be honest. Why does Vexen make the perfect Pavi?! It amazes me! I also wonder why I've onyly seen one video with Axel as Luigi! He proved perfect for the part! But man did the lipsinking move smoothly here...for the most part. I feel proud but at the same time have a feeling I could have maybe done better. My main issue was the ending but I didn't want to finish with Vexen's death. Then I put down that clip where it fades out and thought 'Hey! Why not?'. I...really can't think of anything to say so I won't ramble. Enjoy. [video=youtube;JFng9XL-jaw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFng9XL-jaw[/video]