Hey guys, I'm just wondering if anyone else are having some issues with mangareader.net? I suppose many of you use it, as it is imo, one of the best sites. Anyway, lately, for me, it has been very slow on occasion, and I'm wondering if it's my connection to the site, or if its the site's server that's struggling. Mangafox.com seems to be working perfectly. Anyone know anything?
maybe it's just got a bad connection to the site, like you said. I don't really know how these kinds of things work, so I'm just giving a guess right here, but since Mangafox is working, I don't think it would have something to do with your computer.
I haven't noticed any sluggishness here. I use that site mostly to catch up on Ginga Dentesu Weed and Black Butler, and the one time it seemed slow it ran much better after I cleared my cache. Don't forget it is an image-heavy site, so clearing your browser's history might help it some.