making LPs

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by CaptainMIG, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. CaptainMIG Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 4, 2011
    the wii u
    i just beaten another game and i figure that i should make LPs to see if people would like it or not. but i need to know what to do to make a LP; what equipments should i get? things that'll get me ready.
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I've toyed around with the idea of doing LPs and I've read two major pieces of advice when choosing a game: either select one you know REALLY well (so that you can provide things like hints or trivia) or a game you could provide some sort of commentary on. There may of course be overlap there, but really it doesn't matter what game you choose: someone, somewhere, is probably going to be interested in it (unless it's Barbie Pet Rescue or something but even that could be enjoyable to watch if you've a good sense of humor about it). What matters is how you make it your own; you have to keep people interested somehow, you have to offer something unique.

    I'm talking mostly about commentary-based LPs here, though. People will also do ones with just the game audio for people who want to preview the gameplay or experience the story, or as a sort of tutorial for people playing through. Both those styles can have commentary, of course.

    Follow this:
    • Do I have a good sense of humor? Am I quick-witted? -> The game you choose doesn't really matter. You're out to make people laugh.
    • Is there a game I'm an expert on? Could I provide interesting trivia about the different developments in the game's story, the game's levels, etc.? -> Choose that game and go for it. People love trivia.
    • If the answers to both of those questions are no, start out with just doing tutorial style videos. Your own unique style might develop from there.
    You can blend the three bullet points as well. But it's a good starting point. There are also two ways to go about commentary: you can record the commentary as you play the game, which provides a more natural flow/feeling, or you can first record your footage and then do commentary while you edit. The latter method will allow you to plan what to say which can be helpful if you freeze up on the spot, but rehearsed jokes often sound... well, like rehearsed jokes.

    As for equipment, you'll obviously need a television, a console (or your PC if you're into that), and an actual game. Besides that, you'll need some sort of capture method (software definitely, probably a hardware solution as well), and a microphone. The microphone isn't terribly major when you're just starting out, so don't feel the need to plunk down the cash for a Blue Yeti or anything. A cheap Logitech mic should work just fine (though I am partial to headsets, so you can run the game audio to the headset and prevent any game audio from being picked up on the microphone).

    In terms of a capture solution I can help you out there, I just need to know what consoles you're primarily considering playing on.