and it has to be one of the funniest I've done so far. A friend and I are reviewing it, making sure it's great.....and we're laughing our heads off only half way through. Remind me to post it here when I'm done.
it's more amusing than you think. So far we've gotten halfway through, and it's fun to watch even now. It's been pretty fun so far. And this is only using the first episode too
Have fun making it, and even if it's short, some people may like it a lot, so you can feel accomplished knowing that you made something well recieved. Seriously, I feel like you're just trying to get attention by arguing opinions.
(really i just wanted my post count to increase) all i saying is that an abridged would be funnier than a AMV because even though the abridged take too long it will eventually make more since later on.
I'm not judging, I just think it's one thing to post-whore, and another thing to post-whore without reading what section it's in. I have nothing personally against you. It just strikes me as odd.
That would be me.....about half a year or so ago. That would be people who have no knowledge of how spam zone works yet
Yeah, but with you, at least you had something good to contribute. As for the second part, I find it odd that people can't figure it out.