SUGAR PEAS![DOUBLEPOST=1367876948][/DOUBLEPOST] Took it's damn time, the first 3 episodes this season have been abysmal.
While I agree with you on Cold War, I actually enjoyed The Bells of Saint John (Rings of Akhaten could've been better though).
The bells were certainly the best of the three, but still left a bad taste with me, I felt Clara's reintroduction was done poorly and the ending of the episode was poor aswell, the middle bit was not bad.
It's weird how the Rings of Akhaten has almost split the fans in half- those who think it's amazing and those that really didn't like it. I personally think Bells of Saint John and the Snowmen have been the best of the series plus I'm in the former group for Rings. Anyway, because I love this video. I'm sure some of the techniques used can help release anger.
You mean, because I showed it to you and you love it. But yeah, find a couple of cardboard boxes, throw some food you hate onto a paper plate and go crazy.
I found Rings to be average. Haven't seen Bells or Snowmen, Cold War was "meh" (wet Clara was delicious), and Hide was pretty good. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS is definitely my favorite of those, and Crimson Horror was good too. Series 3 still makes me cringe companion-wise. Martha for worst Companion.
I feel like Enzy won this round. Also I rather enjoyed Rings, if only for the Doctor's speech at the end. My favorite this season so far has to be The Crimson Horror though. Love me some Team Vastra. i hope they don't actually say the doctors name in the finale i want to keep it secret
It's been confirmed that we, as viewers, will NOT hear/know his name. Moffat is just a big tease sometimes...
Oh okay thank christ. I thought for a moment I might have had to join the Moffat hate wagon. He's already treading on thin ice with River Song.
Yay, I feel so proud : D I have found such a negative consensus toward the recent DW episodes and it saddens me to the point that I thought I didn't like them, then I was like nah! They're amazing (apart from Clara development... grrr, please say she does something more useful!)
The Bells of St John and Journey to the Center of the TARDIS were probably the only good episodes lately.