This is a film that knows it is free to do what it will. It draws you in with its many storylines, stories of hope, love, self-worth, cruelty, regret, and hatred, hatred for others or for oneself. They all take place within one day in Los Angeles, the film cuts back-and-forth between them, sometimes taking place at the same moment. Any of the individual stories by themselves would seem simplistic, but in this interlocked way, we see parallels and nonstop emotional and character arcs. In all of the film's 3-hour running time, we're kept fascinated. The movie tells us its story as desperately as its desprate characters strive to do things their own way. This all leads to an event at the end of the film so astonishingly unexpected, it elevates the characters to a plain that makes them even more human and real than they already were. I found this to be a great movie, I don't think there can be anything added in that would top it. If you have not yet seen it, I hope this had convinced you to do so. Highly recommended.
I really loved this song; [video=youtube;vz3B4bjTfnA][/video] I also like how characters from the move intertwine with each other
That song will stay with me for the rest of my life. When the characters simultaneously sing to it we can feel their entire lifetimes onscreen. It perfectly reflects their urge to put an end to their madness.