These are characters from the MagicalxMiracle manga, if anyone reads that. CnC, please.
I haven't heard of the manga, so I haven't read it. Though I'll give you some cnc. I like your profile of the heads, they can be frikkin tricky to pull off right. (I have some trouble with them myself, so ya) Maybe make their noses bigger, if it's part of their character or if they're just meant to have petite ones. The hair looked pretty decent - maybe add some harder shades sometimes to make it less neutral/flat? Yes, that would help for the depth of the hair, though it takes so little to fix it. The boy (I think it's a boy... in manga you can never really know anymore.... person to the left) looks OK with the slim body. The girl... Not so much. Her head ended up too big for her body, or I can't really put my finger on it - there's something that does not compute. I'm not so sure what you should do here: if she is older than the guy you could make her taller and add more flesh to the upper body and arms. Her thumb has an acward angle, though. Kinda looks rubber like, you know? Look at you own, it will naturally bend inwards to the hand. Use your own as a reference and it will help you loads. :3 I hope this was useful cnc, it's a pretty good drawing overall. :3 It has this distance yet a connection between the characters, that's pretty cool. :)
I erased her head so many times, and when I finally got the shape right, it ended up too big. Im terrified to erase it since that would mean redoing her entire upper half. Im going to change her thumb though, it was shaped like that in the book, but it doesnt look right. Thanks for the advice!
Never heard of it. =/ But it's really good. I like the shading *lubs shading things* But The only thing I see you should fix is the nose's. A little more pointer. xDD But awesome job! =DD
Don't erase the head - obviously you've worked too hard with it to remove now. If you change something, change the body instead. If you happen to have a program like Photoshop or Gimp or something along those lines, you could move her body upwards a little bit, making her taller so that any new changes fit better to the picture.
Erm.. I think it is possible to work with layers on Gimp - if you make the picture a layer, you can use a tool that will select the girl - like the lasso tool or marquee tool, I dunno. When it is marked you will see moving lines. (I think) Copy that, and paste to a new layer. (in the end it should be the top layer, set on multible if possible) You can move the copy around with a move tool. Then I'd go back to the original layer, remove the marquee and clone away the girl there so that it's only paper again. Merge in the end and it's all one layer again. *I don't have Gimp, i have no idea - I asume it has these functions or similliar*