Magic Vs. Technology

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Ego Imperium, Sep 10, 2009.

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  1. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    A world cast in the not too immediate future. A world parallel to our own, yet different in a single way. In this world, the often separated forces of magic, and science exist upon the same plain, yet are strictly divided from one another. Those who wield magic powers, and those who utilize technology live separated from each other, and, to top this division off, are constantly at war with one another.

    Mages, as they are often called, are the primary users of magic within the world. They are, on average, naturally stronger physically than those that do not rely on magic, and live a far more rustic, and "primitive" life style compared to the glamor and futuristic nature of the nonmagic users. While their magic is a bit more powerful on average than the technology used by others, the use of their powers consumes larger amounts of energy, especially when they are younger. Their weapons usually consist of wands, swords, staffs, and other melee type weapons as they can usually channel energy through them as they desire. They have also been known to use bows and arrows. The settlements of the Mages are usually smaller, and their combat style is more guerrilla than anything else, using smaller numbers to ambush their enemies. While scattered across the world, their settlements are very united in terms of "politics".

    Character Sheet For Mage-

    Weapon- (In accordance with the nature of the weapons they're allowed).
    Magic Base- (What is the base of your magical powers? An element? Or some sort of energy?)
    Biography- (Anything of significance that has happened to them up until this point in time).

    The blanket term used by Mages to describe those that use technology in any form. A Reliant is as a normal human being would be, with the single exception that they wield extremely advanced technology, technology that can generally achieve the same effects as a Mage's magic. While les powerful than the natural powers of the Mage, the technology can be used at a low cost of energy, and thus, a battle that is drawn out for a longer period of time, will likely become a victory for the Reliants. The life of a person who uses technology is generally lavish, and overblown with comforts. Physically, they are usually weaker, unless in the armed forces, or if they've been modified in some way. Their settlements are less numerous, yet are very large, and organized. Yet they often suffer from political tensions, and internal affairs between settlements. Their armies are far more regimental than the Mage forces, though are larger in numbers.

    Character Sheet For Reliants:

    Weapons- (Can be pretty much anything of a science fiction or fantasy type form).
    Equipment- (Any extras that your character has. This can be things such as cybernetic parts, or tools that they carry that fall outside of the range of weapons).
    Bio- (Anything of significance that has happened to them up until this point in time).
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